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Posts posted by Shahriar

  1. Hi

    Follow the links below. when you downloaded all 13 links, then extract number one to creat a PDF.

    This book is in 877 pages and one of my friends has uploaded it.


    It is a complete book

    HTH - Shahriar

  2. The best way for a RPM counter is What pebe  Said.

    Imagine if you use a Devider or revs in say 10 sec and then calculate for 1 min this problem will happen!

    You should multiply the number of RPM in 10 seconds by 6 to achieve for 1 min. so the Number you achieve is alway = 6K. I mean : 6 - 12 -18 - 24- ... 6K (Sorry, I don't know the english name)

    So if you have a real RPM = 15 then your device will show 12 or 18
    And another problem is your counter will be refereshed every 10 seconds. If you decrease this interval (10s) then you should multiply it with a bigger number and ..... :o  :o

    HTH - Shahriar

  3. Hi

    I want to build a Video Multiplexing device, Which can show a single video picture on a big screen which has been consist of 4 or 16 or more single screens (CRT or LCD).

    I have tried to show what I mean in the attached picture.
    This project is just like those in TV SHows that show the Singer picture on a very big display.

    Can anybody tell me the theory of this device. Or any related Note on the web?



  4. Yeah, Thats right.

    but for using a Scanner, you need a PC for every one, and every few minutes you should put that Heavy book in the Scanner.
    Sometimes, There are lots of solution to do a job, But I think the important is which way is The best.
    If you yourself were in a library and you could choose between a Scanner and this device, Which Would you choose.... ::)


  5. Hi

    Have you ever gone to a Library, and when you are reading a book, you need to take some notes of the book. You have probably found it disgusting!
    The Problem is worse, when there is a picture in that section.

    If there was a device which you could take it to library, and when you need to take a note, you just put it on the book and drag it over that section to save that part in Memory. Then when you came back home, you could upload it in PC and do everything you need!

    What things you should do to build such a device?


  6. About the PreAmplifier I sent, I should say that, I do NOT think if it will drive a Speaker.

    The Output of this preAmplifer Should be connected to a Power Amplifier Like that 10W Amplifier in Project section as I said Before.

    I sent these, Because gogo2520  wants to build a descret circuit.

    HTH - Shahriar

  7. Hi

    One of my friends (who has enough money) and I want to start a new job. we have disscused very much about what kind of bussiness we begin. At last we agreed to find a factory or company in another city or country(litttle bit difficulat) and tell them that we can sell their products and give after sale services in our city. My friend will take the responsibility of Selling and I will take the responsibility of Installation and Servicing. Of course I don't mean we will do all the job ourselves, we will also take some other qualified persons!

    Now my question is what kind Devices do you think is good to look for? i.e. Medical devices, TV & Audio Players, washing machines, Micro Ovens, Battery, .... ???

    Your Ideas is greatly appreciated in advance

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