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Everything posted by mosyria

  1. I read in some technical magazins that there are some kits to record and watch external video (like camera or sattlite reciver) from USB port. any one can make it. or know it's diagram? ???
  2. I read the topic IrDA interface for your mainboardhttp://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/pc/018/index.html by : oliver tscherwitschke but I don't understand why we use IrDA in computers . please explain me if any one can.
  3. I readed the project [url=http://'High Power LED mood Lamp
  4. do you have service manual for sharp sound system model CD-k7000 if you know any way to get it please tell me [email protected]
  5. I need Service Manual For Sound System Sharp Model: CD-K7000W please help me
  6. I'm looking for Sevice Manual For SHARP sound system Model : CD-K 7000w please help me [move][email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected][/move]
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