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Posts posted by awash

  1. audioguru am building ur fm project but still i coundt  get LM2903 so i think it use to make the supply voltage stable when the battry getting down  ? so can i try with out LM2903 but with the new battry for instant ? and what should i do with that capacitors they are in parrallal to use LM2903 . please tell me the correction to get full working of  ur Fm with out LM2903 . thanks again

    ohh ...my bad ..
    Sorry audioguru i i thoght i typed  LM2931 . ( then the above post corrected instady of  LM2903 just placed LM2931 ) .
    still i dont think i can get what u told me 78L05 or 7805  i will try to get one .
    but is there any way to use ur Fm with out voltage regulator  ?

  2. The only 2903 that I know is the LM2903 dual comparator IC. It is not a low-dropout voltage regulator.
    All semiconductor manufacturers make a 5V low-dropout regulator in a small plastic transistor case.

    audioguru am building ur fm project but still i coundt  get LM2903 so i think it use to make the supply voltage stable when the battry getting down  ? so can i try with out LM2903 but with the new battry for instant ? and what should i do with that capacitors they are in parrallal to use LM2903 . please tell me the correction to get full working of  ur Fm with out LM2903 . thanks again

  3. Audioguru C1 and C3 = 330N I got only one 330N cab I replace the other one with like 470 n or should I have make the same capacitor for both please help me to solve shortage of one 330N cap . and LM2931 is it the switch ? to break the +ve tterminal ? cose i saw the ground wire conncted with it accourding to ur diagram i got kind of confused . just littel brife like always u do fast and remarkable help .

    thanks so much

  4. Thanks again Audioguru please coudnt get this “15:1 attenuator with 2 (mono) or 3 (stereo to mono) resistors" could you show me the picture and I will try to find from my old junks. 
    I got some circuit on the net to change Dynamic microphone to electret microphone
    Do u think it works perfect? And I don


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