If you are not familiar with micro controllers, then the 555 timer will be a good solution, but your idea states that each timer will drive 2 LEDs so you need 32 timers (WAW, a very large and mesy board), so there are two solutions: 1- Use a micro controller (ATtiny2313 as I suggested before) if you know how to program one. And the board will be simple and prety. The datasheet of this uCont. is found onthe Atmel's web site "www.atmel.com" 2- Or use two 8bit counters and two 8bit buffers (or one 16bit) and a timer, but in this case YOU have to connect the LEDs to the counters in such a way that when they count (up or down) the LEDs will look like switching randomly. The timer will drive the counters and you can use a variable res. to play with the speed of switching.