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About Dazza

  • Birthday 03/29/1972

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  1. This topic has been moved to Sell/Buy electronics - Job offer/requests.Wrong board [iurl]http://www.electronics-lab.com/forum/index.php?topic=8136.0[/iurl]
  2. Hi grandpa, Virus :) The chances are I won't get it right the first time, or the second time, or the well I'm sure you can guess what comes next ;D. Thanks for the info grandpa vary handy to know ;), there will be parts of my lathe that will need to be made on a lathe, so it sounds like the way to go to get it done on the cheap :D. Virus, yes this can be very dangerous, this is where I started with the hydrogen project http://www.electronics-lab.com/forum/index.php?topic=1321.0
  3. Hi audioguru :) That microphone case is one of many that I made and tested ;), it's a lid from a deodorant aerosol tin, I used cloth stretched over the bottom that's held in place with a cabletie, I then used a type of rubberised foam to insulate the rest of it, which is held in place with electrical tape. The cloth almost eliminates friction noises, but in using the cloth the seal is no longer very good, and allows for some outside noises to be heard, but the rubberised foam that encase the rest of it, helps reduce outside noises. So there is a bit of a trade-off. I also tried using headphones that completely covered my ears, and Yes it did make a difference. Dazza :).
  4. Hi, audioguru :D I don't know about being back, it's more of the case that I've found some time away from taking care of my son Ethan, and my partner and daughter aren't hogging our shared dial-up Internet connection playing neopets ;D. I think it was about 12 months ago when I made it, it didn't work as well as I had hoped, that is for what I wanted to use it for, but it does work very well for what it was intended to be used for ;), and with the modifications that you help me with audioguru, it works very well for tuneing into respiratory sounds or heartbeat sounds 8). The green caps that you can see are not correct, I was just experimenting with different capacitors ;D.
  5. Hi, Steven :D I haven't done any hydrogen experiments for quite a while, I haven't been able to do much of any think since Ethan was born, just getting a full nights sleep is a rare thing these days :-\. He is almost seven months old, and he still wants his three hourly feeds through the night :o. I'm still trying to find the time to finish a few other projects, that will support my hydrogen project, I'll get there eventually ;), I hope ;D.
  6. Hi, shahrukh :) Sorry for the late reply, the TV transmitter is still an unfinished project, I couldn't get the right RF transformer (T1) so I could not get the sound to come through :(. I did manage to get it to transmit a very good quality colour picture over a short distance, however I was transmitting to a very old portable TV, and when transmitting to a more modern TV the image was not very good. Regards Dazza.
  7. Happy birthday Ante 8), have a good one mate ;).
  8. This topic has been moved to Circuit/General Requests. [iurl]http://www.electronics-lab.com/forum/index.php?topic=5994.0[/iurl]
  9. Hi audioguru, Ante :) That's Tasmania a state of Australia, and just above it is the world's largest island Australia ;). The island in the pic which is just off the coast of where I live, is the world's largest sand island. See if you can find me audioguru 8), I live on the northside of the river. I'll stand in my backyard, waving my claw hammer around so you can see me ;D ;D.
  10. Hi, :) I also have two of those cheap crappy radios, I pulled them apart to see if there was any think I could salvage from them. One looks as though, it was assembled by a blind man with one arm ;D
  11. Well that's ok then ;D, It's just that I saw the "au" in the link, you know you've got to watch those Aussies, if it's not nailed down ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. Hi audioguru, Thieves, how dare they :o. Maybe we should steal one of there's, just to make it fair ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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