Thanks Harry A. I was really waiting for it. It is great you have book on Designing transformers. I will need help later. But my question is different. To make it easier let me clarify, so that one can understand better. Say you have to design a stepdown transformer. Specifications as under:
Input voltage- 230v, Output volt is 14v @ 650 mA. Core Area is 1.90 cm (tongue width) and 2.00 (stack height)
Now what will be the Primary Turns, Primary Current, Primary wire Gauge.
What will be the Secondary turns and Secondary wire gauge.
What is the Turns per volt.
How to choose wire gauge (enamelled copper wire)
My calculations says:
TPV: 12.73, PTurn-2929, STurn-178
Pri.wire gauge-38/39 swg; Sec.wire gauge-25/26 swg
Am I right or wrong?
Please suggest.