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Everything posted by steven
:)in these pictures are 2high voltage phocus deviders, some information says they can be used to measure high voltage, these 2 here were attached to 2 of my flyback transformers normally there biult into the flybacks but you can get them separately from the flybacks but still conected to them
:)here is the high voltage output multi flyback trnsformer power supply i used to measure the high voltage with useing the high voltage resister devider with i have 2 flyback transformers in this and can switch in iether one to use
:)the sockets for my multimeter leads are secure, they wont come out, ante and audio guru
audio guru thanks for the input i know about the parralell resisters 2x 10 in parralell=5m, your input is greatly apreciated
:)bakr ill be looking in to this but here are a few circuits, for you that involve high voltage capacitor chargeing take a look at these, they may give you some ideas to help, the first one is veichle and object electrification circuit theres to much pages to upload but here is some
ante how did you do that, doodle on picture allready posted by me, thats cool you can add your modifications to any circuit posted the digital multimeter i used to measure this high voltage is the one with yellow case cover in these pictures ive got 2 multimeters the one i used on the right, is the one with 600 volts dc range maximin
:)l danielrosa and ante i welcome your input to this topic and audio guru to, anytime ill be doing some more but upgare the thing and include it in my next high voltage unit
:)audio guru im a bit rusty with my maths, ive got papers around with ohms law calculations of resisters and voltage drops and current flows through resisters but i havent havent got around to studying it more, how did you work that out 47,760v i will add it to my formulae collection, ante if you read this, audio gurus the maths exspert i just biuld from information supplied to me dont have time to analyse it and give anserws i cant exsplain why all the high voltage stuff ive biult works ok, hey i use the continiuity checker alot dont bother to use the resistance thing as i think resisters never blow or burnout in things i biult ,and i use the transister tester to , so the trany tester and continiuity tester and another one is the n channel mosfet tester thats all i use in testing high voltage flyback driver circuits, when i biuld them. the circuits i biult these from are biult by those who did that ciircuit so i trust it when i biuld it , im planing another high voltage resister devider well 2 really, ones gona have a multimeter intergrated into it so it will be a whole unit the other is gona be made to look like a real resister but bigger and have 4 legs and will have colour bands so to others they would wonder where you get it from theres nothing like it around , the heatshrink tubeing on my unit really did well in preventing any arcovers and when you first put it on and heatshrink it you sometimes get trapped air bubles in it exspand and pop holes in it so i slip another bit on and seal it, now i c an intergrate these into a complete high voltage unit with hv digital meter to for instant voltage readings from the flyback transformer
:)audio guru ive just tested it out with my multimeter set to its highest range 600 volts dc and with both probes attached to the high voltage resister devider i then then fired up the flyback full throttle and got a higher reading of 240 volts dc times 100 = 24000 volts dose that sound right to you there was no decimal points just 240
audio guru the information i used to biuld this high voltage resiter devider was sent to me in the mail by an email friend dr john sanderson formerly of monash university melbourne australia, now with csiro this is the first time i biult this i have yet to test it out
use a 2 leg transister socket to plug leds into
:)i have a transmitter called the big ear and its microphone is in a speaker horn and this enables it to pick up sounds even talking from a good distance and it transmits what it hears realy good sometimes nice and clear, to a radio headset so you can listen in on people and burgulars etc etc
:)i use large intergrated circuit sockets for pluging parts into like scr as in my scr tester and i use the the pins from the other type of intergrated circuit socket as matrix pins to solder wires to rarether than the board, with the large ic sockets i cut them down to say 3 for scr tester or 4 if i needed more leg spaceing
:)electro magnetic pulse if you want to target electricals like tvs videos etc or anything that runs on electrissity you would be better off with the high energy radio frenquency weapon, non leathal ,targets electricals, lucky i got some circuits from chaos labs before it sudenly froze to the piont where theres nothing to click on to access anything , and this anoying tripod member popup hangs around
:)this looks like it would qualify as the worlds biggest wire wound resister, but this is a high voltage resiter devider, the pvc pipe base used to spiral wound the resister chain of 100x 10m 1/4 watt resisters to give a total resistance of 1000m, this stack will pull 50,000 volts dc first the reisietr chain is carefully solderd each solder jiont carefully done, then the whole chain is coverd in heatshrink, for added insulation, it is then carefully wound around the pvc pipe base each spiral is measured to keep them the same distance apart ,then tacked with super glue to keep it in place evry few inchers along the spiral wound resiter chain. the last ten m resiter is not coverd, as this is where the 2 wires are taped, one on each side of that resister the 2 wires are then run out the pvc pipe end and attached to 2x aligater clips, these go to your digital multimeter, set to 500vdc or 1000vdc. at the end of that same resister is a wire with aligater clip, it runs to the 0volts ground which is the safe end of the resister stack, at the opisite end of the pvc pipe with the insulated spiral wound 1000m resister chain is anothjer lead with aligater clip, this goes to the positive high voltage output of the flyback transformerthis stack of resisters devides the voltage by 100. when you measure across the first 10m resister. you can encase the whole stack in epoxy for added safety, the ratio is allways 1/100 when you measure across the first 10m resiter, if the meter setup reads 28.3 volts. then the high voltage is actually 28.3 kilovolts. this sieries stack will pull 0.05ma at 50,000 volts power dissipation 2.5 watts or 0.025 watt per 120m , the total resistance of the sieries stack is 1000m. in the pictures here i have yet to fully finish this, more insulation and some sanding and decoration with green pvc for a neat appearence
:)bakr , email me a copy of your capacitor charger circuit, ill check it out , ive left a message for you, my email address is in it, if you are haveing problems trying to upload it to the forum
Coil levitation device and electromagnetic launcher circuits
steven replied to mixos's topic in High Voltage Stuff
suraj i think the rail gun is a bit different than this in a way these circuits i posted induce current ,energy into alliuminium rings and this diagmagnetically , repells these rings into the air