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About Insomnimatic

  • Birthday 06/13/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Carolina, U.S.A
  • Interests
    Writing and recording music
    Retro game collecting (specifically the Sega Genesis and its hardware extensions which include the 32X, Sega CD and Odd controllers such as the official fight sticks)
    Refurbishing / cleaning up my personal game cartridges, consoles, and controllers
    Speedrunning (The Lion King for the Sega Genesis)
    For the past few years, I have been interested in the art of board and circuit design.

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  1. Hello, I skimmed through the recent posts to see if this was mentioned but didn't see anything: I recently joined and noticed something a bit odd with the Electronics-Lab website. I'm not sure if it was designed this way, or if this is a known bug, but it seems that even when I'm logged into my account, I still see the option to "Login / Register" at the top of the page. When I navigate to the "BLOG" or "DOWNLOADS" page, it doesn't show my account name / options like it does here on the forums. I'm pretty sure that is designed to act that way since the only section that I can see my account options in is the forums, but I figured I'd mention that as well, in case this is incorrect.
  2. Glad to finally take a step into the world of circuit design. Hopefully I will learn a lot in this community. The forums look very organized and cleaned up with not much clutter so I'm hoping it's easy to find answers and interesting threads.

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