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Found 4 results

  1. Hello ...i am new here. I have an ALLDOCUBE iwork 10 pro tablet. By mistake i put a powerbank to charge the tablet. The tablet needs 5v. But the power bank switched automatically to output 12 v. failed to start. I opened it up. one IC is hot .......(picture attached): ------------------------------------------------------------- i have removed the IC....everything working fine again...CHARGING OK.... but i doubt the ic has an important role to play such as overcharging protection etc. -------------------------------------------------------------- ANYONE PLEASE CAN TELL ME WHAT IS THE IC? I CANNOT FIND ON THE WEB.... ANY ALTERNATIVE? IS IT A SOT323?
  2. Hi, all I'm using a PCA9685 with a pinout board like Adafruit's. I'm trying to run a bunch of LEDs at 20 mA, and the chip is supposed to be able to source 10 mA and sink 25 mA. I understand that to have it Source, you connect the LED between the PWM and GND pins and to Sink you connect it between V+ and PWM. I've tried both ways and using a multimeter and a red LED I get 12.5 mA. Why is it not 25 in Sink? Also, why do I get 12.5 on Source mode as well? Is there anyone have ideas of it? if possible a simple explanation would be nice. Many thanks.☺️
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_circuit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printed_circuit_board Can a integrated circuit pins output be connected to one and more integrated circuits input pins in printed circuit board? If No, Why? Thanks & Regards, Prashant S Akerkar
  4. OEMsecrets Partners with Retronix to enable IC Testing services. Retronix are considered to be one of the industry leaders in IC testing services. They offer a unique set of technology solutions and can test any components you purchase whilst also offering alloy conversion if you cannot find your part in the specified alloy. To support obsolete components listed by verified non-authorised distributors on OEMsecrets, users can now request testing services by clicking the "IC Test" icon, located in the specs column of the search results on OEMsecrets.com. OEMsecrets is a free to use price comparison search engine for electronic parts and components, listing inventory and pricing information from suppliers such as Avnet, Arrow, Digikey, TTI, Farnell and many more. Learn more: https://www.oemsecrets.com & http://www.retronix.com/oem-secrets-retronix/
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