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posting circuits


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I deleted one of your posts becouse they are identical ;D

You can use action upload centar and upload you would like to share or post them on this forum. I think that Mike will include youre schematics in regluar projects if he finds them to be worthy of being there ;D ;)
He will tell you more once he sees this post.

Your will to contribute is much appriciated and wellcomed.


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One way is to upload them at the upload Center an EDY already mentioned. You will find the upload center here: http://www.electronics-lab.com/action/pr_upload

Make sure you zip every project (schematics, text etc) in one file. Then i will download them and i will add them to the projects section under the coresponding category with your name and mail if you want to.

The other way is to send them directly to my mail: webmaster[a]electronics-lab.com (replace [a] with @) and i will add them to the projects section.

Keep in mind that almost all projects are WELCOME! :D

I would appreciate your action to send it to Electronics Lab

I am waiting your circuits ;) !

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