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Flyback driver experiments


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flyback driver circiuts .are intresting and im looking for any ideas to the use of these flyback, high voltage outputs for high voltage capacitor chargeing, so far im still in the exsperimental stages. and hope to get it right sooner or latter ive been collecting them and sketching them and drawing my own pinouts illiustrations as simple as possible nothing like it on the net.

Plasma tube exsperiments is another thing ive conducted. with the use of the hv output from a flyback and ive put together a simple hv modified hv pollarity indicater that runs off the hv out of a flyback transformer and have included 2x 5mm leds to indicate hv voltage .

As for the plasma tube exsperiments run from the flyback transformer i was able to allso get all kinds of wierd arcs that i can freeze into shape like sawtooth shape and others includeing sine wave shape .and some unknown shapes. the plasma tube are made from photo flash tubes and this particular flyback i have no idea but it was linked to a flyback and thus ill call it one to .

In one of my attempts to charge a photo flash capacitor i was able to store some charge ,enougth to create some sparks and dispite not useing a hv flyback transformer at that time i researching on trying it with the high voltage tv flyback , allthough the ones with disk shapes are few and far between in australia.

I found the normal high voltage flybacks to be just as good and i even design my own high voltage flyback driver circiut unit houseing from pvc pipes and are still going strong . each flyback driver circiut i biuld are protoypes and the ones with good hv tripplers really pac a punch .

Each unit i biuld i make them as simple as possible to fix , and with this simple modified hv polarity indicater circiut i was able to get increased ion wind output plenty blue as it seems to be [email protected]

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  • 5 weeks later...

  • 1 month later...
Steven writes:

This schematic is what my flyback driver circiut is from just remove the transformer section and the rest and throw in a flyback transformer. because you can power them easy and still allso use a transformer in reverse mode for arcs to like the flyback transformer arcs

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  • 4 months later...

:D from steven, well ive got to try an exsperiment with one of my many flyback drivers. starting with the multi flyback driver unit with 2 flyback transformers in it and a rotary switch to sellect iether one of the 2 flyback transformers, anyhow i biult a lifter to try out , but i think the gauge wire was a little to thick but the wire sure pulls flatt to the table and a tiny seaseme seed from a hamburger bun, was being pushed away from the wire and pulled back to near it when i was makeing adjustments, this could be the begining of a new lifter bun, if thats all i can get from a tiny seed and not the lifter. it seems the seed was more efected than the lifter, from the high voltage flowing through the wires. ill try thinner wire and may even try a smaller lifter, im biulding another smaller lifter to try but its the size of an american silver dollar, the seaseme see :Dd that was being effected was allready on the table it just happend to be where i had wires runing through along the top of the table.

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:)from steven i failed to put down another experiment i tried when useing the flyback driver to power a lifter. i had 2 out of ten or 12 strong ceramic magnets from microwave oven magnetron units now i just decided to sit 2 magnets stuck together under the lifter. and dureing adjustments the lifter did rock backwards and forwards, allso the wire runing to the lifter was still being sucked down to the table top , and the seaseme seed, well you know.

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  • 1 month later...

:) dureing more testing of one of my many flyback driver circuits a wire came off one of the 2x 10 k pots this i think may of been responsible for throwing the flyback transformer into resonance with the n channel mosfets as i got the most longest arcs ive ever had and at 16 mm or just over that was incredible. and i was runing the high voltage output from the flyback transformer through the simple modified high voltage polarity indicater at that time, i call that the high voltage polarity indicater voltage optimizer it really helped to . to give optimiun voltage arcs ,

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  • 4 weeks later...

:) ive been conducting some tests with the flyback driver circuit i allways use as posted ,and this test i power my disc shaped flyback transformer i got tiny arcs from the hv output to the return so i put together this simple circuit to use with it in chargeing up high voltage photo flash capacitors with spectacular results , so ill be posting this one as soon as ive designed another home made pvc box to put it in and another driver circuit from the schematics posted , this one will charge up capacitors faster than my hand powerd high voltage photo flash capacitor charger will

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  • 1 year later...

i was given a flyback driver and bottle capacitors , which  was used to power a solid state tesla coil, if ive got it right  now the flyback driver uses 2 irfp460a  mosfets, a push pull oscilator type circuit i think it is , anyhow i designed a printed circuit board for this and put new parts on it and used the 2 super fast diodes off the prototype given to me so all i have to do is put 2 protection diodes for the mosfets on the new board, even though they have biult in diodes for this, ive been told there  not to good . now the disc shaped flyback with the prototype given to me has to be conected  to the new pcb version here and  the disc shaped flyback has the primary wounded onto the core opiste the secondary  and has i think 8 turns and taped at so many , so ive been told to exsperiment with the primary turns and the cap that goes across it which in the actual circuit on the net is 0.68uf 250 volts so i put one in  here are the pictures of the uncomplete printed circuit board version of this flyback driver . now the prototype given to me with a few bottle caps was used to power a solid state tesla coil  so this will be an exsperiment worth trying , after i get some better bottles with flat bottoms and make some modifications  and wind a decent tesla primary with wire so thin that i may as well hire a spider to weave it on for me


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:)hello virus and audioguru thankyou for your in put i get a real laugth out of it  hey virus ive added your circuit to my collection of circuits which is a siute case and a box full  if it makes little arcs then thats what i need for a transister type cap charger audio guru great to here your still around  miss your exspert replies to .

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Hi Virus,
You have a nice circuit but I think it makes wimpy little sparks only 2cm long.
I think Steven's circuit makes big, fat, noisy lightning bolts about 1m or 2m long!
Isn't that right, Steven? ;D ;D

Hi guys

1 to 2 meter yea right! :D ;D, proof it, post a photo?  I will post a photo also, you first ? ;)


Thanks for the nice credit to “electronics lab”, I for one with 0 knowledge in electronics, will whole heartedly agree with you, thanks very nice gesture. I think it is fair to say, this is also from all the unlearned out there. :) :)

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I saw that spectacular video clip and for a moment … when you said meters, I thought steven got lucky.  Well they say it’s like catching fish if you are not trying, if your hook and sinker is not in the water there is no chance of even knowing if there is fish.  ;D ;D

Steven, myself with no electronics theory, just plodding along tying this and that, (tapping information from helpful guys like audioguru, etc.), have managed to build a 1 – 10 divider using a fly back transformer in reverse. So I can measure 6000 vDC and the MM reads, 600vDC. So what I am saying is, keep on trying, you will get result some day.

(Sorry the circuit I posted was a bummer on my side, only realized it after I send the post. Think it is part of the gray matter becoming jello here. I did try to help though. This said, look at this site, also have nice high voltage driver circuits, with lifters etc.



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:)audio guru and virus hello there audio guru ive see that site , remember ive serched every site on the net, and voltage labs will be back up soon to so i can serch for new ideas etc etc, but you might want to check out the hutchinsen effect, if ive spelt it right  its not just the high voltage that intrests me , its the unknown things you can do with it  if you get it right, if you do find that site take note of the details of what happens when he fired up all his high voltage stuff at once , and the bizzare happens,

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audio guru they have torches out and they use these super bright leds that shine a white light , do you think they will phase out the 6 volts torch globes for these, just emagine no tungston ellement globes just white leds. i have a blue led , exspensive but it shines out a light thats white and llights up the wall like a torch

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Yeah, more and more torches are made with special LEDs that operate at 5W. In the past month, the price for high power LEDs dropped to half, and in March a new one will be announced and their prices will drop again. Their battery lasts much longer than a torch with a globe that wastes 90% of its power as heat and needs replacement when it burns out.

My Christmas Tree has hundreds of LED lights. My torches blink their LEDs quickly, to save power. The lights in my home are nearly all compact fluorescent to save power.

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