steven Posted January 19, 2004 Report Posted January 19, 2004 The ignition coil driver circiuts are intresting to but with some modifications to the 12 volts auto ignition coil . and re routing the inputs and hv return efectively gives you more distance between the inputs and hv out this is nessiary in order to preven arcovers , the igntion coil driver circiut itself i biult prototypes easy to fix and with external ic timer and transistor makes it a breeze to repair in the case of a fault . the boxing these are housed in are made from pvc pipes and corner moulding . My first experiment was a poor mans plasma tube but the best was a simple pencil held to one brass electrodes that put out arcs so thin i was able to cleanly burn clean holes in my skin with virtually no pain at all although the 2n3055 transistor never got hot i was doing good runing a parralell modified 12 volts auto ignition coil unit from the driver circiut to and hope to soon conduct other experiments to share with anyone intrested. For anyone wanting to know what use could i get from burning clean holes in my skin here is a short list of potential uses .removal of warts .skin cancers burnt off with thin hv arcs this is only from one electrode on the coil , via a pencil. Quote
hotwaterwizard Posted January 23, 2004 Report Posted January 23, 2004 Here is a simple circuit. Quote
mixos Posted April 7, 2004 Report Posted April 7, 2004 This unit has an ignition coil and flyback driver circiut in the one Steventhis ignition coil driver circiut prototype works really good with a 12 volts lead acid cell rechargeble battery. and i was able to power up to 3 ignition coils in parralell with this unit Quote
steven Posted September 2, 2004 Author Report Posted September 2, 2004 here are the latest pictures of the latest high voltage output ignition foil driver unit in my latest home made pvc circuit box , in this one ive included the 12 volts led indicater circuit to indicate 12 volts input, allso my latest home made ignition coil holder with the coil , and the latest high voltage polarity indicator circuit/ voltage optimizer as i call it , useing microwave oven diodes and an ignition coil driver circuit , and reverse polarity indication circuit , all inetergrated into the whole thing, now the hv return is not being used and this has 2 different hv arc outputs . , the coils positive hv runs into the high voltage modified polarity indicater circuit/hv optimizer, and it s arc is out puted from the second hv polarity indicater/ optimizer, which i normally use as the antanae return . and at the top section of the hv polarity indicater circuit is the second hv output at different potential, now at the front of the circuit box is 2 terminals which should be red but i put red and black as i dident have a second red terminal to use. this exsperimental circuit i beleave works by on the body capacitance thing and the only place the arc will shoot to is my finger, so ill be useing this to exsperiment with , its like a high volatge parasite zapper , but i have some exsperiments to try this on and im confident of finding new ideas for this Quote
audioguru Posted September 2, 2004 Report Posted September 2, 2004 Run for cover! Steven is close to producing mega-volts! ;DHi Steven,Adding a "condenser" across the transformer's primary might make it even better.I know, you are thinking about rectifying the mains, and using the 340VDC to power the spark-coil's primary, aren't you? ;D Quote
steven Posted September 2, 2004 Author Report Posted September 2, 2004 :audio guru its battery powerd portable and ill try the rectifyer stuff soon see how it goes ,i new you were around this thing you can see somewhere tells you whos online. theres no one in the chat thing just me everytime i go there to see who i can chat to theres no one Quote
ante Posted September 2, 2004 Report Posted September 2, 2004 Hi Steven,Have you any of those strobe beacon circuits in your Quote
audioguru Posted September 2, 2004 Report Posted September 2, 2004 Hi Ante,Here is a high voltage limitation that we haven't discussed:The spark coil's core is going to saturate with a particular amount of current through its primary, which is determined by the voltage that is applied to it. Then applying more voltage than that won't make any difference to the voltage of the spark. Quote
steven Posted September 3, 2004 Author Report Posted September 3, 2004 :)ante i have got a strobe flasher circuit around but it stoped working after it fell off the shelf a while ago, the most exspensive part on it was the intergrated circuit. i havent botherd to try and fix it yet, just to busy with other ideas, but i did mofify a camera flash unit , by takeing out the 330 volts hv capacitor and adding 2 diodes and a 47uf 350 volts electro, and a mercury switch. and with the flash unit circuitry i was able to charge the electro up just the same and with a push button switch i dump, the voltage right into an ignition coil and got got arcs from that but even with the bolt in the hv output i was getting arcs fly from one terminal and right around the top insulated hv output right to the return the arcs was suposed to come from the top hv out to the negative return but somehow the positive input was acting as a hv output and arcing right around the insulation to the return. the mercury switch was to dump the charged electro voltage when i turn it off, the voltage into the mercury switch would make a muffeld pop and thus shorting out the electro charge, and allso breaks the metal mercury into tiny grey balls that wont combine back to gether any more after a while , ;) Quote
steven Posted September 3, 2004 Author Report Posted September 3, 2004 in these pictures i dressed up the front section of this latest high voltage circuit , with bits of white pvc cut and filed to shape to give the front pannel work a bit of a decent look, ive got plenty more high voltage circuits and ill be dressing them up to. i gave this latest circuit another test today with multi meter probes at the 2 single outputs , and as i increased the arc frenquency and applied the tip to my thumb i was able electrically exfoiliate or burn the surface skin layer, with no pain at all. so this circuit has some good uses, in removeing skin and exfoiliateing the surface of the skin and like my mini arc generater made from the small hv circuit from my old astra umax 6005 scanner ,this circuit will will kill any iritateing itch in less than a miniute, by the use of this needle thin adjustable hv arc. Quote
steven Posted September 3, 2004 Author Report Posted September 3, 2004 :) tonight i did some more testing of this latest circuit. and first i adjust the frequency of the output arc, that comes out of the probe tip of a multimeter probe i used, i decided to target a small freckle on the skin of my right arm, and after that i viewd it under a projector lense i had laying around and the spot where i treated the freckle , showed the freckle to be completely gone , burnt away and no pain can be felt at all . the projecter lense was dome shaped and i use it for viewing up close . after this i decided to try it on my cup of coffe siting near by, althougfh the lighting in my room wasent to bright to observe any effects , as i held the probe tip just above the surface of my cuppa coffe, i though i could just see this extra thin arc going into my conductive coffe. like a lightening bolt hitting the water, in the ocean .i thought i noticed a slight disturbence, on the flatt surface of my coffe in the cup, ill try it again under better lighting latter Quote
steven Posted September 3, 2004 Author Report Posted September 3, 2004 :)audio guru and ante. thanks for the input ill keep yous up to date. or you can view them as i post them :) Quote
steven Posted September 5, 2004 Author Report Posted September 5, 2004 :)here is a picture of a modified photo flash unit from a pocket camera, this is the circuit i used to dump high voltage into an ignition coil that gave me big arcs and this was the one where the hv arc was going from one terminal round the hv out then to the other terminal, when it should of come from the hv out to the neg return. the modified camera flash unit i mofified by removeing the photo flash capacitor then i put in a 350 volts 47 uf electro and 2x 1n4007 diodes , one for each end of the electro, and i had a push button not shown that enabled me to discharge the capacitor into the coil, allso i had a mercury switch to discharge the electro when i turne it off, the mercury switch not shown i removed it befor Quote
steven Posted September 5, 2004 Author Report Posted September 5, 2004 :)this circuit along with an ignition coil would be ideal for a potent portable stun gun or electrification circuit. Quote
steven Posted September 6, 2004 Author Report Posted September 6, 2004 :)with my latest single output hv ignition coil driver circuti in the green pvc circuit box, i decided to exsperiment with it some more, and with just one multimeter probe at one of the output terminals i can still get tiny arcs jump to my skin, and ive allready tried some skin exfoiliating with it. i decide to take out of my parts draws 2 camera flash tubes, that i had with others from my former simple plasma tube exsperiments, posted in the high voltage stuff section. now i had 3 tubes bundled together and solder together at each end, and as i held one end the other end, i touch the probe from my ignition coil driver unit, to it, i was exspecting plasma like arcs or electrissity streamers to flow through it, but instead the end of the tubes i was holding lit up half way with a purple glow, i then held each end between my fingers and with the hv probe i touched the glass of the tubes one at a time, and although glass aint conductive , each tube i touched lit up completely with a purple glow like energy. not white like a flash tube normally dose when in the camera. , i kept wondering why it all glows purple when i touch the glass with the probe while holding each solderd end in my fingers, so i had a closer look useing my dome lense and can see tiny arcs from the probe tip going into the glass. like energy from a plasma display or similiar , but if glass aint conductive then i cant exsplain how this is happening, really . if you think this isent unusual, ive had neon globes glowing pink in colour in a former exsperiment , and i dont think its in the colours of the rainbow iether. Quote
steven Posted September 11, 2004 Author Report Posted September 11, 2004 :)my exsperiments are going good the erea of the skin with a freckle on it , that formed into a small scab after treating it with this circuit, i accidently knoked the scab off and under it there was just a light pink spot where the skin is healing and the freckle completely gone. Quote
steven Posted September 14, 2004 Author Report Posted September 14, 2004 :)here is a picture of one of my green colour, high voltage tripplers, these are few and far between and in australia , ive pulled many tv-s to bits and i rarely find these, unlless im lucky, this high voltage trippler , when used with one car igni5tion coil driven by an ignition coil driver circuit, will put out triple dose high voltage arcs, in my postings youll see one and another larger one that is square and black colourd Quote
steven Posted October 28, 2004 Author Report Posted October 28, 2004 :) powering just one ignition coil with the ignition coil driver circuit puts out an arc that i could allmost compare with the small arcs put out by the disc shaped flyback transformer without a biult in high voltage trippler, so i reckon i could allso use the ignition coil powerd by the simple to biuld ignition coil driver circuit to charge up these high voltage photo flash capaciotrs, allso so ill be testing that out as soon as i grab a few more ignition coils from the car wreakers for $5 each, Quote
btechbalu Posted November 21, 2004 Report Posted November 21, 2004 i was searching for the xenon lamp igniter circuit and yours is very helpful hints for me to develop further if you have any ideas please send me the details and i will coopreate with you for ever for any helping media thanks btech [email protected] [email protected] btechbalu@electronics Quote
steven Posted November 21, 2004 Author Report Posted November 21, 2004 :)thanks for the nice compliment , anything you need ill be glad to help Quote
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