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Adams Motor Project


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I agree theoretically it's not possible.

Although what I believe is, there are other forces phenomenons that we do not understand or realize exist.

Thinking outside the box, and putting aside what we have been told is fact, has proven fact to be fiction in man's history many times ;D,

I agree you should try the cap, if it doesn't work you should then ask yourself why :).

It has also been said, that efficiently producing hydrogen from water is not possible, well we shall see 8).

Good luck, don't give up.

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:) ive read about the adams moter before when i used to collect the nexus magazines , all this stuff, reminds me of the particles that ocupies all space well its between everything that has space and its visible and invisible light particles of light, i think you can call it dark matter and light matter

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  • 9 months later...

Almost forgot about this side. I was testing so many motors and theories for the past 1 year and as of right now just got about 1:1 ratio. Not easy but possibilities are there.

I'm very active members in [email protected]. All my findings and testing results posted there.

Anybody interested in free energy device, just join the group and learn.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys

See so many people get taught only what certain people want them to know, anything outside that frame of reference get laughed at belittled or talked down upon.

Some one said these words once, and they are so true.
To accept or reject a new idea without investigation is the height of ignorance!

When it come to new ideas, you know the story of the frogs in the bucket, when one takes a chance and manages to get on to the brim,  yah,  you know what happened.

Just to wet your appetite look at this video.


[attachment deleted by admin]

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ante / audioguru

I think if the music stops the machine can’t work either  ;D ;D ;D, just joking, these guys are tooling up for mass production etc.

I need your input on the Lutec project. The way they calculate efficiency re: volts and amps = watt, on the dc side and on the ac side, can that be the effectiveness of that motor.

Why I ask, I have been following there progress for some time, their R&D, development etc. Have a number of photo’s of prototypes ect. they have built. (Somewhere on a Pc) They then released a article in Australia of a

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Hi Virus,

Don’t you wonder why they so carefully avoid showing the other side until the thing decelerate? It would be interesting to see the pictures you’ve got and also know which forum you are referring to. Don’t get this wrong, I like this to be true but too many things are telling me the opposite and the entire concept going against common sense in more ways than one.

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I am also ‘n bit cautious when it comes to unknowns. But . . . .

What if it is true ?  http://www.lutec.com.au/index.htm

You think they would go through the trouble of building this, just for the photo’s.

See attached: 1. Pics of Lutec development, final product “lutec_new06”.

                        2. Attach pdf , “This motor consumes no charge “, please explain ?

Thank you



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Hi Virus,

I read the PDF file about the examples and I am stunned. I am sorry but this is ludicrous and I can’t understand why someone would put this much effort into it.
Take the first example with 12.5V in one cap and 0V in the other. The voltage is divided into the two caps, 6.25V each. Let’s say this is OK so far, and then if you connect C1 and C2 in series you are back to square one i.e. 12.5V right? Then with another identical cap (let’s call it C3 and make sure it’s at 0V) do it all over again and the “free energy” will make the motor spin for a longer period of time (>40s). Oh and next put C1, C2 and C3 in series and so on eventually the motor will run for hours! 

I don’t think so! ;D

You can transform energy but never create or destroy it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys

See so many people get taught only what certain people want them to know, anything outside that frame of reference get laughed at belittled or talked down upon.

Some one said these words once, and they are so true.
To accept or reject a new idea without investigation is the height of ignorance!

When it come to new ideas, you know the story of the frogs in the bucket, when one takes a chance and manages to get on to the brim,
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Hi Guys,

You can only be understand if you are experimenting it. Back to basic. Energy cannot be created. Just transformation. It's true in this type of devices.

Lutec motor, adams motor(1970's), bedini motor earlier versions are using mechanical switching. But now they changed to solid state switching.

Power extraction method is the key to gain more power compare to input. Just using transformer can gain more power compared to input (resonance). As I say, join [email protected] or [email protected] to learn more.

Just read those postings and ask questions in the group. I'm diverting you from here but if those need more information on these devices, then join the groups. The main recent I was here is to learn electronics which can help me in this project. Going through so many projects in this site does help me in my project.

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