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high voltage photo flash capacitor charger


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:)audio guru i disconected the 2 input wires to the relay and get the same votage as the battery supply when i measured it , is there something not right here i measured the only input to the regulater correctly and i dident have the relay contacts hooked up when i did it , the relay still works fine no heating what so ever

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:)audio guru ive added a few more wires to the relay coil and tried another test this time useing the relay to switch on an led via the resister and when i push the button the relay switches on the led for the set time then turns off like its suposed to go and i remeasured the voltage and found it to be exactly the same as the battery voltage , of course i used the battery with a measured voltage of 12.58 volts and its the voltage i measured to the inpuit of the relay coil , as for the relay contacts i did3ent have then wired up this time but i ended up useing one on the relay inputs bridged to one of the contacts so to mshare then the second wire i used was the 12 volts input to the positive of the circuit from the fully chgarged battery and i hadd the resisters in pplace for the led and it worked fine so ill run another test by linking it to the driver circuit if it goes this time then the fault may be in my wireing to the relay contacts, oh yeh i got to add those 2 capacitors as recamended by you so hang in there audio guru, ill get to it, i apologise if i cant anserw many of your qestions as im not much of a technicle exsplanation type , and you know more than i do and im still lerning as i go ,and with electronics you never stop lerning as there is to much to not lern and it will take along time to lern it all , but some of the helpfull diagnostic stuff you post in trying to help solve some of the problems that some may have in electronics circuit s is more helpfull than you realize and this inspiration is is important , i read your posts with envy and are amazed at how you master the art of diagnoseing a circuit just by looking at it

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Steven,

Do you collect capacitors? ;D
You can charge those caps (first pic) directly from mains via a rectifier bridge to about 340VDC. Your mains power is 240AC, right? Maybe you should use a resistor is series not to pop your circuit breakers or fuses! Be careful, these caps can kill you if you mess with them. :o

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great to hear from you ante im well aware of the dangers of the larger electro capcitors especially those large photo flash capacitors , i can emagine the size of the camera they came from ha ha ha just kidding,most of my capacitors used to be in my upstairs cubboard when it used to get hot so i hope they still work ok i was told they could be zapped back to life, and that when your breaking them in  to charge them at a lower voltage than there voltage rateing and slowly work it up, anyhow its a ruch here as i work on other ideas so the caps will wait ,

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ante ive got my second high voltage photo flash capacitor charger to fiinish yet , and ive got one more hv trippler left and if i biuld another high voltage output ignition coil driver ill include the trippler and hopefully one of my 2 high voltage resister deviders, allso ive been collecting more circuits that could be used for listening to yowies, the australian version of the american bigfoot , and dispite putting my hydrogen generator exsperiments on hold for a while i plant to get back to it and hopefully power it with the hv cap charger

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thankyou ante  i think i could make an infrared remote controll hv circuit  this simple idea  i tried first with my photoflash tubes and a transformer in rewverse mode and a 12 volts battery and the light activated relay i posted in the fairchild photo transister topic  now with the infrared remote from tv or video will make the relay of the light activated relay circuit open and close so fast from the infrared pulses it would create arcs through the photo flash tubes , i could do the same with a  car ingnition coil to and ive got a high voltage trippler that will really crank up the arcs. and without the light activated circuit to deliver the volts into transformer i can use a simple sound activated switch so  it could be done that way, a sound operated hv circuit

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  • 5 weeks later...

here is another high voltage photo flash capacitor charger  under construction useing  another type of flyback transformer , now this one dosent have a biult in high voltage trippler iether and i used the same components as i did with the first one now as soon as this one is completed well the panel and framework anyhow ill test it out .


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:)heres the lastest pictures taken before i put the laste terminal post in and the wireings all done and the pannel work except the lid  and i tested it and it charged up the high voltage photoflash cap so good you can feel the charge in it with your fingers and it sure goes bang when you short it out on a pair of metal tweezers leaveing a  tiny burnt indentation in it , the neon is rated at 110 volts so when it comes on i leave it on a little while longer to get more charge into the photoflash capacitor  and i had only 11.21 volts left in my battery i used from my collection , so at 12 volts i would get more better or faster chargeing


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heres a close up of the board, note the 555 timer is isolated from the board and the pin positons on the board where the timer would of been has wires from them to the timer pluged into the ic socket which is mounted on an ic mounting board and the timer protrudes out the fron pannel so replaceing it is more easy


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now to look into methods of indicating  when the high voltage photoflash capacitor is charged up, and from  a topic in the high voltage stuff section here i went to a site  of coil guns  or something and found a coil gun circuir that has a capacitor charge indicator circuit in it so i derived that peace of the circuit for indicating capacitor charge, from it and biult it to test and so i run the positive wire form the capacitor charge indicater to the output of the high voltage capacitor charger .  the same wire allso runs to the high voltage photoflash capacitors positive  terminal, and the negative iwell it runs tro the negative output of the high voltage photoflash capacitor charger and allso to the negative of the capacitor being charged , and as soon as i switch the capacitor charger on the led starts to blink on and off to indicate the capacitor is xcharged to a voltage of only half  or less of the full charge, so ive got some tinkering and tests and modificatgions to do to get it right as i want it to blink on and off to the full charge . in these pictures here the transistor is a 2n2904 and the resister on the left that runs to the 10k pot wire positions is a 1m resister and the green cap is 0.1uf i think marked as 104 and the  led resistor is 1k  so you should be able to easily see how the circuit is constructed


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Hi Steven,
Are you using a blinking LED that has a built-in blinking circuit and current-limiting ?
What supply voltage are you using for the transistor and LED?
What high voltage does the photoflash capacitor charge up to?
Could you post a schematic of the capacitor charge voltage indicator circuit?

If it is like this one then the pot must be turned down to about 1/4 for it to indicate a voltage of 350V:


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audio guru the circuit is the same as the 350volt circuit attachment you posted here  im not useing a blinking led and the wires from the capcitor charger run to this circuit and from there to the photoflash capacitor under charge,  i havent measured the volts in the capacitor under charge yet but when the capacitor is fully charged or more, then i can feell it with my fingers  and the led blinks like neon lights in camera flash circuits do when they are charged up  its just that i want to upgrade this circuit so the led comes on when the capacitor has the max finger feelable charge on it . now without the circuit i can charge the cap up fully or over easy but when i use the circuit to register the cxharge it is registering the charge in the capacitor that is not full so i can feal it with my fingers so if you have any ideas to uypgrade that circuit i would be forever greatfull . oh yea the cap dosent seem to charge up fast enougth when ive got the circuit in it , but if i was to let the circuit keep chargeing, dispite the led blinking i supose it may do ill try some more ideas and tests soon , ive got to add a capacitor bleed resister yet to help keep the charge up  as i may be leaking to much charge  i think

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