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Fluke Counter Model 1950A - $65CDN - thoughts?

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Could anyone give me thoughts on this used frequency counter (and it's price)  that's available locally (no shipping charges)?  I'm a total n00b with 3 different projects on the go (though stalled due to lack of time).  2 of the 3 could benefit from a frequency counter with this range.  I don't have a frequency counter or oscilloscope yet.  I've already asked for pics.


Fluke Counter Model 1950A

100/115/230 50-60 Hz Vac or 12Vdc power.
With int/ext clock and gate BNC connectors.
Ch A & B BNC inputs.
Modes: Freq A, Freq(A/B)N, Period A, Totalize.
6 Ranges/Gate control.
Overflow indicator.
Cycle Rate control.
A-input 5Hz-50MHz/ 1 Megohm.
B-input 1KHz-10MHz/ 100Kohm.
2-LED trigger threshold indicator.
6-digits LED display... works completely.
Dimensions: 9.3"W x 8.5"D x 3.6"H

Calibrated about 3 years ago.

Pics avaliable.  Only $65.00

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