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printed circuit boards for inetergrated circuits

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:)here is my simple idea which i have been testing for printed circuit board, designing , by the use of a home made alliuminium component leg, and ic pinout position stencil, first you need an alliuminium drink can , cut the top off with a pair of sizzers, then cut down one side, then cut the other end off,  then cut that sheet nice and square, then lay it on the table ,and put a ruler on it, then hold the ruler, down and pull the alliuminium sqaure up and out from under the ruler, this will take the bends out of it .
then  useing a green scara or pot scrubber, not steel wool, clean down the shiney side, this will remove that clear layer, use some jiff or ajax to do it. this will enable a fine piont marker pen to take to it then . then place an ic mounting board onto it , and useing the fine piont marker , poke it through each hole in the ic mounting board, to mark the pin positions of that board , onto the alliuminium square, then remove the ic board and, use i fine shark pionted object , press a hole into the alliuminium where each dot is, this for when you use a mini circuit board drill to drill the holes .
now drill every hole out, then after that increase the drill size and redrill so the holes are bigger  by looking at these pictures here you will get it. now use this predrilled alliuminium square for circuit board designs if your useing intergrated circuits , and once youve done the drawing useing this alliuminium template  all you have to do is use the dalo pen and  if you do it right you will get it then , then useing a nail sharpened to a long piont, you use that to punch the hole in the middle of each dot where the intergrated circuit pinns go through , allso i have a plastic home made electronic component leg spaceing  template for drawing circuits with for printed circuit boards , ill add this latter and i use it to draw the corect component leg spaceings so that when i drill the board after etching the components will fit perfectly through the holes


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