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hi all,

i have a spare 4 GB hard disk .. a webcam with night vision and mic ..

i was wondering if it is possible to make a movie camera out of these three ?

i want to make one myself.. just with basic functions of recording and storing.. that is it..

waiting for replies.....

Anant :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

A webcam and a hard drive are both dependent upon some type of "traffic director" so to speak. In most cases, you woudl use a computer to connect with these items since you can use a program to sense different parameters and to send out signals to cause the different things to happen. You can use one or possibly multiple microcontrollers to give you the basic functions to run only this hardware or you can use an old computer motherboard with the capability of programming. The microprocessor on a motherboard would give you quite an advantage over a microcontroller.
There are a number of articles on the web that show how to wire up the hardware and write a micro program to read a camera and/or to read a hard drive, etc. I have only seen them separate, so you would have to put all of these projects together to make this one. You have a bit of reserch ahead of you. You will have to learn how these hardware items communicate with a computer, then simulate this "Traffic" on a micro.
Best of luck. Sounds like a fun project.


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hey MP,

thanks, that was a lot of info. I feel lost, where ??? to start. i think i'll start from what u suggest near the end, learning the hardware communication with the computer.

I'll come back to u for guidance when i am done with the prelimnary knowledge :).

just one more thing, approximately how long shud this project take ?

Thanks buddy

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