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Volume Control POT. . .

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Thanks, Man!  I'll order that puppy asap. . .

So it's physically the same size and everything but it's 20k instead of 10k. . .what difference will that make if any?

What if I wanted to put on a dial type pot or a slider type pot. . .what spec's are the crucial ones?  I just think the knob sticks out too far and I'd like to try to keep it as compact as possible.

Look forward to your reply and thanks again for your help!

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So it's physically the same size and everything but it's 20k instead of 10k. . .what difference will that make if any?

There isn't any difference.

What if I wanted to put on a dial type pot or a slider type pot. . .what spec's are the crucial ones?  I just think the knob sticks out too far and I'd like to try to keep it as compact as possible.

Dual 10k to 100k with an audio taper (logarithmic). Its power rating doesn't matter.
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The volume control doesn't need to be 10k. It can be any other value up to about 100k.

That would depend upon what's in the electronics of what is connected to it...  ::)

I would suggest that you use the correct value and just get it from another source like mouser.com or one of the surplus parts houses.
When you start changing the resistance of inputs and/or outputs, you sometimes end up with strange problems that are hard to determine the cause of. Keep the correct values.

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The original design did not even use a pot. I'll stand by my first comments since I know how this will effect some devices that might be plugged into it.

If you can't find the panasonic pots, try the clarostat 585 series. They are available at Newark Electronics ( www.newark.com ) as part number 585DX4Q25F103ZP at $2.48 each. No waiting. Or just build the original which did not add a resistance path to ground ahead of the input cap. In this case, you rely on the volume control of whatever is plugged into it.

Part of your parts availability problem is due to the pot having an on/off switch. Another alternative is to purchase an audio taper pot without the on/off switch and use an input jack with an additional leg that sits against the ground barrel of your cable. Attach the ground of your battery to the additional audio input lug which is only grounded when you have something plugged into the unit. This will also keep you from losing batteries if you accidentally forget to turn it off when you disconnect. (Example below).
This is easiest if you are using a mono input. You can use a stereo jack. However, if you will be connecting two of these circuits to a stereo jack, you can still get jacks with additional connections in them. They are just not as common.



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You guys are the best. . .thanks to both of you for your time and thought about this Volume POT issue.

I'll letchya know how it works out after I decide which direction I'm going . . . most likely I'll just get the part from Newark since, like I said, I'm new to electronics and I don't want to change the original design just yet  ~ but I'm looking forward to making some mods on the next few that I build!

Thanks again for your help ~ much appreciated!!!

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