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So how do i create a PCB from schematics in eagle please

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Designing a PCB is not as easy as one would believe.

Example: audio amplifier circuit; Tube & Silicon.

Unfortunately, most PCB software defaults to linking the ground plane to
all components with a connection to the ground net.
One must manually exclude each of these with "forbidden" areas in the ground plane
polygon, or designate the circuit ground differently from the ground plane.

Remember, your study on galactic grounding principles, small current grounds (preamplifier) and large current grounds (poweramp) should never be tied together or in close proximity.
Additionally, power nodes should each have a seperate ground and chassis wiring must be routed correctly.
In the event you elect to try a tube amplifier design consider using a DC standoff voltage vs the typical layout.

The problems that arise from failure to understand the above rules are endless; oscillation, squeal, feedback along with many other variables.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you :)

Making a PCB with EAGLE is just as fast as an eye twinkle. Type "board;". Don't forget the colon. Eagle will ask you a silly question: "The board does not exist. Create from schematic?" Click OK and you'll have a board instantaneously. All components are placed beside a standard board of 160X100mm.

Delete the "dimension" lines first because they are not drawn accurately. They don't meet at XY 000. Chose layer "dimension" and width 0 and draw a new 'box'. If you are using the light version don't exceed 160X100mm or near it. Use grid size 1/20 inch (1.27mm), 'grid on - dots' for close results.

If you want to route the power lines manually omit them in the schematic first, since they will be air wires on the layout.

After having drawn the new box group all parts and move them onto the 'board' using the right mouse button.

After that you can move each part, rotate it and make the board according to your plans.

Using the autorouter is sometimes not desirable. You might wish to use it. However it tends to 'surround' itself. If you aren't satisfied with the routing just type "ripup;" and you'll get back all your air wires.

If you have any more questions concerning EAGLE just let me know via e-mail. I have more than 15 years of experience with EAGLE and can give you useful advice.

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