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Designing Motion Capture System


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I just completing my ultrasonic motion detector project. After completion of that product ,I want to start new project "Motion Capture System". I am learning 3dmax animation software for 4 years. When i came to motion capture animation section, i really feel that i should also make small cost effective motion capture system below $500. I search everywhere in google, but didn't got electronics circuit for this. I want to build such motion capture system (Using Sensor) which will take motion of character (Say my own hand moving up and down) and convert it into mocap(suitable format for any animation software) file so i can used with my own created charaters to animate them.

I need to build this project because of me and 4 freinds trying to make short animation film within 6 to 8 months, and we don't have that much money to pay for single motion capture system. Like gypsy motion capture cost above $2000 just for one character motion . My project will sense 6 dimentional motion of atleast of 6 characters within 30*30 meter range. It should o/p mocap file to PC.

If i succeed to build this project i will post my project detail as well as my animation clips on this site. If you know cost effective way to build such system , please let me know .

Thanks in advance !

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  • 3 weeks later...


i had made a project on ultrasonic sensors.. it used to detect and display on lcd the distance of the object kept in front of it and it worked pretty well... i too had thought of this idea of motion detecting.. well what you are saying can be done with the same circuitry... all you wl be needing is some more ultrasonic pairs.. (one pair for each dimension)....

you wil have to do some extensive programming for the ultrasonic pairs to work correctly.. coz there are chance that the signals of one tx will be detected with the rx of some other pair giving undesired results..  in such case what you will need to do is operate only one pair at a time.... this will not onyl eliminate the chances of errors but will also consume less power....  and as the ultrasonic tx rx work at 40Khz you wont miss motion in any dimension......

all the data obtained from the tx rx pairs can be sent to the computer via a uController with help of some multiplexing technique.....

you will also need to design a program to demultiplex these signals and convert them to the desired data for the anim software.. i have worked with some ani oftwares like poser, 3dmax, and swift3d but have never seen plugin or such sort of thing which can convert the data to desired animation...

stil, all the best to you.. you have taken up a really big project!!

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