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Professional Dead End?


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As you have stated with disposable electronic products and the global economy such as it is I would think one would need to be exceptional to get ahead in the electronics field probably better just to have it as a hobby I hope I'm not being too pessimistic about this

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Become a doctor, the World is always full of sick people...

Additionally, you do not have to be a surgeon, just a simple ear - nose & throat doctor!
Plus, once you have graduated join a few in a group building, you can pick the days you like to work (3 days a week).
A simple basic doctor can generally make $500K a year!

Listen, do not let the so-called hype of how difficult it is to be a doctor prevent you from attending.
I have a doctor friend who graduated Notre Dame and i would not bring my dog to him...


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Is it worth it to pursue a career in electronics these days?

With the outsourcing and disposable products,
hands-off management positions and so forth.

Or is it better left to the hobbyists?

Why to feel like thaat/ general priciple in outsourceing is not to get bogged by repititive work-- you can always take up a front end researchand comeforward with newre and latest designs-- you may revise old sesigns to be cost effective-- one has perhaps to be resourceful in his/her thoughts ang life is always encouraging--

Once you feel awalk of life is getting blocked , we can imagine that yet another new door is opning up for electronics of for that matter any curriculum.

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