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Guest liquibyte

This is the original project.  This has been reworked to not have the problems that this one did and does now work with a few caveats.  First, there is a voltage spike that happens on power on and power off so I would most certainly recommend not having a sensitive circuit hooked up during either of these events.  This problem is being worked on but I don't know if it will ever be solved satisfactorily.  Second, there are two main versions of this circuit, a 3 amp version and a 5 amp version both with many iterations.  My suggestion is to use one of the latest ones that have been proven and go from there.  You could also do what I did and take the latest schematic and parts list and work them into a design of your own.

This project has grown rather large with several topics and is, to be honest, hard to navigate.  This is an attempt at consolidating the individual designs.  Each post will be a reposting of the original content attachments with a link to the original post in the respective thread along with external links to offsite content if deemed relevant to the post in question.  I'm also only including projects that are completed, i.e. the projects that have been made and are working where the author has posted schematics and board files or at least pictures of the artwork used so that it can be duplicated using the original schematic and parts list.

Since the inception of these threads most of the attachments at the beginning have been lost so the discussion is most certainly fragmented.  I have attempted to verify the links that were posted and will be adding them below in order based on the thread in question along with the link to the post in the relevant thread.  The posts and projects toward the end of the list are the most current and, more than likely, the most proven.  Read the threads themselves for context however.
Sticky thread started October 12, 2003, 07:22:55 AM
Other longer thread started August 24, 2009, 09:33:51 PM

My suggestion is to grab a CAD program of your liking and the schematic and parts list in this post and make your own board files and either have them made or make them yourself.  While I did a full on version of this myself, if I had one already done I would not have learned some of the things I did while designing my own.  I may eventually redo my version but it works for now.  I will also add that after having gone through both posts again, my version is the only one that includes parts numbers from Digikey and has full gerbers available.  I did not include many of the extras that you will need such as a case (I had one), the TO-3 mounting kits (ordered separately), the heat sinks (ordered from Ebay), the fuse block and fuses (ordered with the TO-3 mounting kits) or the wire itself (had it).  I can tell you that it works out of the gate if you build it right and mount the external parts to their appropriate heat sink or case (I mounted the bridge rectifiers to the case itself).  Use the thread(s) for additional discussion, this thread is for additional completed projects and any comments that get put here will be promptly deleted.  ONCE AGAIN, THIS THREAD IS A STICKY FOR COMPLETED PROJECTS!!!

This is the latest revision of this projects schematic and parts list and will updated if anything changes.  The latest revision was modified by myself and the troubleshooting guide was collated and assembled by peterk from the two rather large threads on the subject.  Much thanks go to audioguru for the redesign that actually works well and also to redwire for sending me a version of his board to test, without which the need for reintegration of Q1 would not have been apparent.  I am going to do an Eagle schematic shortly based 100% on this latest version.  I won't be doing a board file so that you can do your own because it is a really great learning experience.

This is still a work in progress and very much subject to change.  In other words, there may be a revision 8, 9, or even 20.




Guest liquibyte

There was a version done by redwire that used surface mount parts.  I'm including this because I have the schematics and board files and he was kind enough to send me one he build to test out to see if we could solve the voltage spikes.
Post one
Post two


Guest liquibyte

The above ends the completed projects that I could find in the sticky thread to date.

What follows below is from the other longer thread.

Guest liquibyte

First post by redwire with a through hole version.  Has revision 5 of the schematic and includes a .brd file for Eagle in the zip.


Guest liquibyte
Post by limbo243 showing his version.  Note: read the posts that follow explaining that the parts in the schematic are for simulation and that the attached BOM contain the parts required for their correct inclusion in the actual end product.




Guest liquibyte
Post by effenberg0x0 that consolidated the 3 amp and 5 amp parts lists for side by side comparison.


Guest liquibyte
Post by PicMaster with a PDF of the schematic.  I'm not sure if this one was revised or not later so look down and see if there's another one at a later date and compare for differences.  I know the other thread had a few different revisions so due diligence is probably required.  PDF attached.


Guest liquibyte
Post by PicMaster with a really nice PDF of V2 with schematic, artwork, component placement, partslist, and external component connections.  I think this is the definitive version.  PDF attached.


Guest liquibyte
Post by WinDTrek of his version.  This one is unique in that he also wound his own transformer for the project.  Instead of linking all of the pics to dropbox, I'm uploading them here with the one remaining PDF.  One of the PDF's is 404 so I couldn't include it.




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