Tag: 434MHz
434Mhz Wireless Receiver – LED Dimmer – Arduino Compatible
The Wireless Receiver Dimmer is a complementary component to the Wireless Potentiometer Transmitter, designed to receive and process data transmitted from the transmitter. This project can be used to drive the LED, Heater or brushed dc motor, and supports inductive or resistive loads....
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The project presented here is a 434MHz Wireless Transmitter for LED Dimmer, built around the ATMEGA328 Arduino microcontroller. The potentiometer is connected to the ADC A1 analog pin of the ATMEGA328 chip. The microcontroller reads the analog value of the potentiometer and transmits...
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This Wireless Analog Sensor project is a cost-effective solution for transmitting live data and enabling continuous monitoring, logging, and plotting sensor measurements. The system utilizes a 434MHz RF module and an Arduino-compatible microcontroller, ATMEGA328, to transmit data from...
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