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windoze killa

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Posts posted by windoze killa

  1. DRC checks for errors that have been made generally caused by manual routing. Automatic routing will normally only come up with errors when it fails to route a track. When you manually route you may use an incorrect track width or clearances maybe to small. When DRC is run it will generate a report and from this report you  can correct the errors.

  2. Firstly, life is a terminal disease.

    Secondly, walking outside is carcinogenic with all the vehicle fumes. The benzene in Unleaded fuel is 10 times more carcinogenic than the leaded fuel it replaced.

    Resin flux is generally a pine resin with additives. In its liquid form it is safe. It is only when it is heated or burnt it becomes dangeous. Any form of smoke is carcinogenic so as the others have said if you burn the flux and produce smoke then it MAY be dangerous.

    I have been sniffing flux fumes for 30 years and it hasn't affected me.

    heheheh hohohohho hahahahahh  ::)  :-\

    See. Hasn't affected me at all.

  3. High sukhbinder!

    I don't think a tv-set use the mains frequency and its voltage for anything else than the SMPS and the degaussing circuit, Tv-sets have mains rectifier and are primary switched.
    The horizontal sweep is not the same as the mains frequency but for the vertical it is, the refresh rate is 50/60hz, a tv has a 50/60Hz free running oscillator that is locked when there is a incoming signal (50 or 60Hz) otherwise the picture would roll up or down.
    Haven't tried myself to drive a mains transformer with square wave but one thing I know is that electrical motors driven by a square wave do make some extra noise :)
    I think indulis is one among the members that can answer this question.

    That really has nothing to do with his question. He wants to know the difference between inverters that convert 12VDC (I assume) to 120VAC or 240VAC.

    To answer your question you really must have a use in mind. You mention TVs and also Motors. Each one has totally different startup characteristics. The TV you would easily get away with a high frequency inverter but the motors surge current maybe too much for it. If weight is not of concern then I would go for the transformer based one. Having said that you can get some pretty hefty high frequency ones that can power most things. The benefit of a HF one is its stability to varying loads.
  4. I woukld be looking for a dry joint or a cracked joint. If it has an IC it is probably a solid state device so there is probably no relay and would be working from an SCR or other switching device. Rip the case off and resolder all the joints without over heating them.

    Or spend $5 and buy a new one.

  5. Personally I would never use lead free solder. It is crap and WILL cause fragile joints, I don't care what the manufacturers say. There is probably a reason why the defence forces around the world are exempt for RoHS of solder. Get some good old resin core solder and a small tin of resin flux.

  6. I consider “sophisticated” to be somewhat “advanced” which I do not think this is!
    I also do not understand what farming terms like “agricultural” have to do with this! ???

    I think this device is advanced compared to a 7812. As Muhammad says there is no need for a transformer so compared to older style powersupply modules thats pretty advanced.

    And agricultural just means thrown together or bread boarded type construction. Maybe a bit of an Australianism.
  7. Positioning an object to 25 to 30 ' isn't a problem at all. Trying to do it with an accuracy of 1/8" using RF I think you are delving into the fantasy world.

    In a previous job I had we did something very similar but the accurcay over that distance was about 6". We tried RF and ultrasonic and both gave a similar result. I think the only thing that would come close to that accuracy would be laser positioning.

  8. You haven't supplied enough info. What do you mean you don't get any power out of it? Do any of the LEDs light up? When it is on place the back of your hand against the screen and see if the hair on the back of your hand stands up, if it does then you have EHT. Can you smell any brown smells? Did it go bang? Any horizontal or vertical lines? Little dot in the centre of the screen? How did you measure .6V on the O/P transistor (if it is one)? Were you measuring the base, emitter or collector?

    If you can answer some of these we maybe able to help more.

  9. A PIC is a micro controller made by Microchip. Have a look at their web site. www.microchip.com

    All the number just represent the type and model of the PIC. Different memory sizes and types as well.

  10. I am assuming that you are talking about a recharger for the mouse as I have never heard of a mouse running of a plug pack before. If this is the case then all you need to do is go to Dick Smith or Jaycar and buy an 8V 500mA plug pack with the same output plug and you should be ok. One point to note though is that you haven't said if the 8V is AC or DC. This will make a huge difference and maybe also a huge plume of smoke. Ok, maybe a bit of an over kill. But it won't do it any good if you use the wrong one. Check the plug pack you have now and it should say 8V AC or DC.

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