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当我们谈论 mos 时,大多数人都熟悉这个词。 Nmos 中的“N”来自负这个词,表示参与传导的主要电荷载流子是这类半导体中带负电的电子。 nmos 是一种使用 N 型半导体材料作为导电通道的 mos 形式。 mos 的诞生: 1962 年,美国贝尔实验室的 Dawon Kahng 和 Martin Atalla 成功开发了金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (mosFET)。这项发明成为半导体发展史上的一个重要里程碑,他们通常被称为 mosFET 的“父亲”。 NMOS 的早期特征和局限性: 早期的 Nmos 技术具有显著的优势,在许多应用中在很大程度上取代了 BJT(双极结型晶体管)。 1.更高的开关速度:与 PMOS 相比,Nmos 具有更高的电子迁移率,这意味着电子在 Nmos 中移动得更快,因此 Nmos 电路可以更快地切换。 2.更低的静态功耗:与传统电路不同,Nmos 只允许在开关作期间有电流流动,因此相比之下,它的静态功耗较低。 尽管有其优点,但由于当时的技术,早期的 Nmos 也面临着一些限制: 1.更高的动态功耗:早期的 Nmos 电路在切换过程中消耗了大量的动态功率,尤其是在频繁切换时。开关期间的电荷注入和电容器放电导致更高的功率耗散。 2.温度敏感性:Nmos 电路对温度变化非常敏感。随着温度的升高,Nmos 器件的电阻增加,导致性能下降,并可能影响电路稳定性。 然而,技术不断发展,半导体的进步导致了 NMOS 的创新。 现代 Nmos 器件已集成到处理器和存储芯片中的数十亿个晶体管中。得益于先进的光刻技术,Nmos 器件现已大规模生产。 在不断追求技术进步的过程中,每一个转折点都会带来革命性的变化,重塑我们对世界的理解。 在 1980 年代,Nmos 推出了 CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体)技术,达到了另一个变革性的里程碑,该技术成为集成电路中的主导技术。 CMOS 结合了 Nmos 和 PMOS 的优势,利用互补的工作原理来实现低功耗、高速度和高集成度。 这项创新是对半导体技术传统挑战的出色回应,可实现更高的效率和更大的多功能性。CMOS 技术不断扩大其应用范围,现在是现代电子产品发展和创新的驱动力。 从早期的单个 Nmos 晶体管到今天广泛使用 CMOS 技术,Nmos 经历了数十年的发展和创新。它的应用已经稳步渗透到我们的日常生活中,我们甚至经常没有注意到。 未来,Nmos 的持续创新将塑造我们的生活并解锁前所未有的可能性。
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要了解 PMOS,我们首先需要知道:什么是 MOS? MOS 代表金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管。顾名思义,M 代表金属,O 代表氧化物,S 代表半导体。总之,它是一种使用金属和氧化层的半导体器件。 在电子电路中,当需要导电性时使用金属,当不需要导电性时使用绝缘材料。那么,我们如何获得既能导电又能不导电的东西呢? 答案是半导体。 今天,我们讨论的是 MOS,这是一种半导体。 MOS 具有半导体特性,使其有时导电,有时绝缘,充当电路中的开关。PMOS 是一种 MOS,通过通道类型与 NMOS 区分开来。 PMOS 工作原理 由于 PMOS 起到开关的作用,我们需要了解它是如何打开和关闭的。 首先,我们需要知道 PMOS 有一个 n 型衬底和一个 p 型通道。电流的方向是从源极到漏极,由孔流携带。 低电平驱动 PMOS 是一种低电平驱动电路,这意味着当栅源电压 (Vgs) 低于某个值时,它将导通。当源连接到 VCC (高侧驱动) 时,这很适用。另一方面,当Vgs大于或等于某个值时,PMOS将关闭, 这样,栅极电压就像一只无形的手,通过控制电压电平来控制PMOS是打开还是关闭,从而形成或切断电路中的电流。是不是很吸引人? PMOS 的优势 作为 MOSFET 的关键参与者之一,PMOS 具有不可替代的功能和优势。 1、低噪声:PMOS 的噪声低于 NMOS,使其适合在模拟电路中使用。 2、高阈值电压:PMOS 通常具有较高的阈值电压,提供强大的抗干扰能力。 3、低功耗:在静态状态下,PMOS 具有低电流损耗。 PMOS 在不同行业的应用 得益于它的优势,PMOS 已经渗透到各个行业,您可以在您每天使用的许多设备中找到它的存在。 在市场应用方面,排名第一的行业是消费电子产品。您可能熟悉的智能手机和平板电脑等设备都具有 PMOS。PMOS 主要应用于微处理器、存储芯片和显示驱动电路等关键部件,帮助这些设备保持较长的电池寿命。 第二个部门是计算机网络,包括处理器、内存和路由器。PMOS 在数据存储、逻辑计算和信号调节方面发挥着重要作用。 排名第三的是网络通信、工业控制、汽车电子和电力设备。这些行业对 MOSFET 的需求也很高,尤其是在汽车电子领域,现在汽车电子的 MOSFET 需求可与消费电子产品相媲美。 PMOS 的未来发展 PMOS 晶体管的未来发展将侧重于提高性能、降低功耗、增加集成度和扩大应用领域。新材料、先进制造工艺、3D 集成技术以及与人工智能和量子计算等新兴技术的集成将成为 PMOS 发展的主要方向。
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Conduction loss is larges loss in a MOSFET, it occurs when the MOSFET is in the 'on' state and current flows through its channel. It's calculated using the formula: P = Current^2 × Rds. Also switching losses occur during switch the transistor on and off. Look it this calculator and you will see how large conduction losses are compared to the other losses. The LTspice circuit simulator has a large number of MOSFETs listed. If you post what voltages and currents you are interested in I could see what is listed there. It would benefit you to learn to use the simulator for your work.
How do you transfer data from the buffer to a USB interface?
As the world moves toward renewable energy, products like solar table fans are gaining popularity. Whether you're looking to reduce your carbon footprint, save on electricity bills, or find a reliable cooling solution during power outages, a solar table fan could be the ideal choice. In this article, we’ll explore how solar table fans work, their benefits, and how to choose the best one for your needs. What Is a Solar Table Fan? A solar table fan is a compact, portable fan powered by solar energy. It uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity, which then drives the fan motor. Some models include a built-in rechargeable battery, allowing the fan to function even when sunlight is not available. Why Choose a Solar Table Fan? Energy Efficiency Solar table fans operate on free, renewable solar energy, making them an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fans. Cost Savings By reducing your dependence on grid electricity, you can save on energy bills in the long run. Portability Lightweight and easy to move, solar table fans are perfect for use indoors, outdoors, or during travel. Power Backup With rechargeable battery options, solar stand fans provide consistent airflow during power outages, making them essential for areas with unreliable electricity. Environmentally Friendly Solar-powered products reduce reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a cleaner environment. Who Needs a Solar Table Fan? Outdoor Enthusiasts: Ideal for camping, picnics, and other outdoor activities. Sustainable Lifestyle Advocates: A great addition for anyone committed to reducing energy consumption. Residents in Hot Climates: Provides relief in regions where cooling is essential. Remote Area Dwellers: Offers a solution for those in locations with limited electricity access. How to Choose the Right Solar Table Fan When selecting a solar table fan, consider the following factors: Solar Panel Efficiency Look for high-efficiency panels to ensure optimal performance, even on cloudy days. Battery Capacity Choose a fan with a long-lasting battery to provide extended use after sunset. Size and Portability Depending on your usage, select a fan that balances size with ease of transport. Airflow Power Check the fan’s airflow capacity (measured in cubic feet per minute or CFM) to match your cooling needs. Durability For outdoor use, ensure the table fan is weather-resistant and made from sturdy materials. Popular Applications of Solar Table Fans In Gardens or Patios: Enjoy a cool breeze without running extension cords. Emergency Use: Stay comfortable during power outages. Workspaces: Efficiently cool small offices or workshops. School Dormitories: A practical, energy-saving option for students. Conclusion A rechargeable solar table fan is more than just a cooling device—it’s a step toward sustainability. With benefits like cost savings, portability, and eco-friendliness, it’s no wonder these fans are becoming a household favorite. Whether you're an eco-conscious consumer or simply looking for a reliable, portable cooling solution, a solar table fan offers the perfect balance of functionality and environmental responsibility. Explore the latest models today and embrace a sustainable way to stay cool!
I need to transmit audio from a MEMS digital microphone to a device via USB (Audio Class 1.0) using the STM32WB55RG microcontroller. The audio is received via I2S and stored in a buffer, but I am facing difficulties in transferring this buffer to USB. Despite multiple attempts over the past 15 days, the data is not being transmitted. Can anybody help me with this?
CETECH started following Install DeepSeek-R1 in Windows
Large Language Models (LLMs) are no longer a futuristic fantasy – they're here, and they're powerful. DeepSeek-R1 is a prime example, a formidable open-source LLM capable of tackling complex natural language tasks. Imagine having this powerhouse at your fingertips, running directly on your Windows machine. That's the promise of Ollama, a tool that simplifies the often-complex process of running LLMs locally. This isn't just another tutorial; it's your guide to unlocking the potential of DeepSeek-R1 on Windows. Why Run LLMs Locally? Before we dive in, let's talk about why you'd want to run an LLM like DeepSeek-R1 locally. Think of it like having a supercomputer in your basement (or, well, your PC). Privacy: Your data stays on your machine. No sending sensitive information to external servers. This is crucial for privacy-conscious users and developers working with confidential data. Speed: Bypass the latency of internet connections. Local processing means faster responses, crucial for interactive applications and real-time tasks. Cost-Effectiveness: No more API usage fees. Run the model as much as you want without worrying about costs. Customization: Fine-tune the model to your specific needs and datasets. This level of control isn't always possible with cloud-based APIs. Get PCBs for Your Projects Manufactured You must check out PCBWAY for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto PCBWAY to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from here. Using this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad. DeepSeek-R1: A Closer Look DeepSeek-R1 isn't just another LLM. It's engineered for performance, boasting impressive capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. Its open-source nature fosters community development and allows for customization, making it a valuable tool for researchers, developers, and enthusiasts alike. Ollama: Your LLM Wrangler Ollama is the key to simplifying the local LLM experience. It abstracts away the technical complexities, handling everything from model downloads and dependencies to execution and management. Think of it as Docker, but specifically designed for LLMs. It's your one-stop shop for running and managing these powerful models on your Windows machine. The Journey Begins: Installation and Setup 1. Prepare for Launch: Windows Machine: This guide is tailored for Windows users. Resources are Key: LLMs are resource-hungry. Aim for at least 16GB of RAM (32GB or more is highly recommended), ample disk space (at least 50GB, depending on the model), and a dedicated NVIDIA GPU for optimal performance. While CPU execution is possible, it will be significantly slower. Command Line Proficiency: Familiarity with the command line (Command Prompt or PowerShell) is essential. 2. Installing Ollama: Download: Head over to the official Ollama website (search for it as I cannot provide direct links) and grab the Windows installer. Installation: Run the installer and follow the prompts. The default installation directory is usually fine. Verification: Open your command prompt or PowerShell and type ollama --version. This confirms that Ollama is installed correctly. 3. Acquiring DeepSeek-R1: Ollama makes downloading models a breeze. Command Prompt/PowerShell: Open your preferred command-line interface. Download: Execute the following command: Bash ollama run deepseek-r1:1.5b This will initiate the download of DeepSeek-R1. Be prepared for a wait, as these models are substantial in size. 4. Unleashing DeepSeek-R1: With the model downloaded, it's time to bring it to life. Command Prompt/PowerShell: Open your command-line interface. Run: Execute the following command: Bash ollama run deepseek-r1:1.5b 5. Engaging with DeepSeek-R1: Ollama provides a straightforward way to interact with the model. Same Command Prompt/PowerShell: Once the model is loaded, you can start typing your prompts. Prompt and Enter: Type your query and press Enter. DeepSeek-R1 will process your input and generate a response. Conversational Flow: Continue the conversation by typing more prompts. Exit: Press Ctrl+C to end the interaction. Example Dialogue: > Tell me a story about a robot learning to love. Troubleshooting and Optimization: Performance Bottlenecks: LLMs are resource-intensive. If you're running on a CPU, expect slow response times. A dedicated GPU is highly recommended for a smoother experience. Memory Constraints: Out-of-memory errors? Close unnecessary applications to free up RAM. Consider upgrading your system's RAM if needed. Download Hiccups: Issues with downloading? Check your internet connection and disk space. Model Name Accuracy: Double-check the model name in your ollama pull and ollama run commands. Refer to the Ollama library for the latest names. Beyond the Basics: Ollama's Arsenal: Explore the Ollama documentation for advanced features like customizing model parameters and experimenting with different models. DeepSeek-R1 Deep Dive: Consult the DeepSeek-R1 documentation for in-depth information on its capabilities and limitations. Community Engagement: Join the Ollama community for support, tips, and tricks. The Future is Local: Running LLMs locally with Ollama is more than just a technical feat; it's a gateway to a new era of AI interaction. With DeepSeek-R1 at your disposal, you can explore the boundaries of natural language processing, build innovative applications, and experience the power of AI firsthand. So, dive in, experiment, and unleash the beast within your Windows machine!
Forlinx started following How to Boot the RK3562J on the M-Core?
FET3562J-C SoM based on Rockchip RK3562 series processor is a product designed for industrial automation and consumer electronics equipment. With its powerful functions and flexibility, it has attracted wide attention from customers in various industries since its launch. This article will introduce in detail how to start and test the MCU of RK3562J processor, and help engineers better understand this chip through practical operation steps. RK3562J Processor Overview RK3562J processor uses a 4*[email protected] + Cortex-M0 @ 200MHz architecture. Among them, the four Cortex-A53 cores are the main cores responsible for handling complex operating system tasks and applications. In contrast, the Cortex-M0 cores serve as auxiliary cores running a bare-core system capable of fast response and control for tasks with high real-time requirements. Preparations for Launching the M0 Core Firmware At present, the M0 kernel firmware is not started by default on the embedded OK3562J-C development board. Therefore, we need to go through a series of steps to configure and start the M0 core. The following are the specific steps. 1.U-Boot Modification In theory, we need to open the AMP (Asymmetric Multiprocessing) compilation macro, but because the U-Boot of the embedded OK3562J-C development board has been configured with the AMP function by default, the user does not need to modify any U-Boot. 2. Kernel Modification (1) Toolkit Installation First, we need to install the SCons toolkit for later compilation. It can be installed with the following command: forlinx@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install scons (2) Add AMP Device Tree Calls OK3562J-C board has been added with a call to the AMP device tree. It's content can be viewed through the relevant configuration files. forlinx@ubuntu:~$ cd /home/forlinx/work/OK3562-linux-source/ forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source$ vi kernel-5.10/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/OK3562-C-common.dtsi +include "rk3562-amp.dtsi" rk3562-amp.dtsi includes: / { /* Device description */ rockchip_amp: rockchip-amp { compatible = "rockchip,amp"; clocks = <&cru FCLK_BUS_CM0_CORE>, <&cru CLK_BUS_CM0_RTC>, <&cru PCLK_MAILBOX>, <&cru PCLK_INTC>, // <&cru SCLK_UART7>, <&cru PCLK_UART7>, <&cru PCLK_TIMER>, <&cru CLK_TIMER4>, <&cru CLK_TIMER5>; //pinctrl-names = "default"; //pinctrl-0 = <&uart7m1_xfer>; amp-cpu-aff-maskbits = /bits/ 64; amp-irqs = /bits/ 64 ; status = "okay"; }; /*Some reserved memory areas are defined */ reserved-memory { #address-cells =; #size-cells =; ranges; /* remote amp core address */ amp_shmem_reserved: amp-shmem@7800000 { reg =; no-map; }; rpmsg_reserved: rpmsg@7c00000 { reg =; no-map; }; rpmsg_dma_reserved: rpmsg-dma@8000000 { compatible = "shared-dma-pool"; reg =; no-map; }; /* mcu address */ mcu_reserved: mcu@8200000 { reg =; no-map; }; }; /* Implementing the Rockchip RPMsg function */ rpmsg: rpmsg@7c00000 { compatible = "rockchip,rpmsg"; mbox-names = "rpmsg-rx", "rpmsg-tx"; mboxes = <&mailbox 0 &mailbox 3>; rockchip,vdev-nums =; /* CPU3: link-id 0x03; MCU: link-id 0x04; */ rockchip,link-id =; reg =; memory-region = <&rpmsg_dma_reserved>; status = "okay"; }; }; 3. Generating Configuration Files Next, we need to generate a configuration file for the M0 core firmware. In the RTOS source directory, generate the required configuration file by copying the default configuration file and running the SCons menu configuration interface. Although no additional configuration is required in this example, the user can configure it as needed. forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source$ cd rtos/bsp/rockchip/rk3562-32 forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source/rtos/bsp/rockchip/rk3562-32$ cp board/rk3562_evb1_lp4x/defconfig .config forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source/rtos/bsp/rockchip/rk3562-32$ scons --menuconfig After opening the graphical configuration interface, you can exit directly without configuration. If there are other functional requirements, you can exit and save after corresponding configuration. forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source/rtos/bsp/rockchip/rk3562-32$ cp .config board/rk3562_evb1_lp4x/defconfig forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source/rtos/bsp/rockchip/rk3562-32$ cp rtconfig.h board/rk3562_evb1_lp4x/defconfig.h 4. Source Code Compilation After generating the configuration file, we can start compiling the source code. By running the build script, select the appropriate defconfig configuration and compile the Linux system and M0 core firmware separately. After successful compilation, amp. img image files will be generated in the specified directory. forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source/rtos/bsp/rockchip/rk3562-32$ cd ../../../../ forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source$ ./ chip Log colors: message notice warning error fatal Log saved at /home/forlinx/work/3562/git/OK3562-linux-source/output/sessions/2024-08-27_15-48-21 Switching to chip: ok3562 Pick a defconfig: 1. forlinx_defconfig 2. forlinx_ok3562_linux_defconfig 3. forlinx_ok3562_linux_mcu_defconfig 4. forlinx_ok3562_linux_rtos_defconfig Which would you like? [1]: 4 //Select the fourth forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source$ ./ rtos forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source$ ./ mcu After compilation, generate a amp. img in the rockdev directory: forlinx@ubuntu:~/work/OK3562-linux-source$ ls rockdev/ amp.img boot.img linux-headers.tar MiniLoaderAll.bin misc.img oem.img parameter.txt recovery.img rootfs.img uboot.img update.img userdata.img Flashing Image Copy the generated amp. img image file to the computer, and switch the development board to the flashing mode. Use the flash tool to configure the path to amp.img. Click "Device Partition Table" and click "Execute" after successful reading. Startup Validation Press the spacebar to enter the U-Boot menu when restarting the board. In the U-Boot menu, enter 3 to configure amp start on. Enter 1 to restart the development board. During the boot process, observe the printouts of the U-Boot stage, if printouts related to the M0 core firmware boot are seen, the M0 core firmware has been successfully booted using U-Boot. Summary The above operation is simply to start the M0 core and print the information. In fact, the M0 core is very powerful, supporting UART, PWM, I2C, SPI and other peripheral interfaces. (At present, Forlinx Embedded has no more M0 core interface test routines. If there are relevant requirements,please contact the technical support to obtain the official information of Rockchip for in-depth study and development.) Hope this article can give you a better understanding of the M0 core of the RK3562J processor and help you in your subsequent development work. Click on the image below to learn more about the FET3562J-C SoM.
From smart homes to industrial automation, healthcare, and agriculture, ZigBee technology offers efficient solutions with its low power consumption, high reliability, and easy scalability. Ebyte is excited to introduce the EWM181 series—a low-power ZigBee wireless module designed for easy development and quick networking applications. The EWM181-Z04SX/EWM181-Z04SP is a compact, 2.4GHz ZigBee 3.0 to UART wireless module. With a small footprint and a maximum transmission power of 4.5dBm, it features a 1.27mm pin pitch and comes pre-loaded with self-networking firmware, making it simple and easy to use for data transmission applications. Free Samples Available! Limited spots—don’t miss out! For more details and to request a sample, visit our
Hello, I’m currently studying antenna design and have a few questions about antenna gain. Antenna Gain: I understand that gain refers to the antenna’s ability to convert input power into radiated power, but some sources also mention “directionality” and “efficiency” in the context of gain. How do these factors affect gain? Can they be separated, or are they interrelated? Gain and Radiation Pattern: Does gain relate closely to the antenna's radiation pattern (e.g., omnidirectional or directional)? For a directional antenna, how do you calculate its gain? Should I focus on a specific direction? Gain and Distance: Does gain vary with distance? Is there a distance at which gain reaches its maximum? How can I calculate the effective range for maximum gain? Practical Applications: In real-world applications, how does gain impact signal quality and communication range? Can adjusting gain optimize performance in certain environments? Thanks for your help, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!
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Can you pick a signal off the speakers? Perhaps use a three wire connector-jack that disconnects the speakers when you plug it in. The grounds at the speakers are required by the simulator.
I completely agree! Electronic Devices & Circuits by Boylestad and Nashelsky is an excellent resource. It covers all the essential concepts thoroughly and presents them in an easy-to-understand way. Definitely a must-have for anyone studying electronics! Nulls Brawl APK
Water wastage due to overflowing water tanks is a common issue in many households. A simple and effective solution to this problem is using a water level sensor. By monitoring the water level in a tank, this sensor helps prevent overflow and conserves water. In this tutorial, we will explore how a water level sensor works and how to interface it with an Arduino. How Does a Water Level Sensor Work? A water level sensor detects water levels in tanks or containers using a simple resistive principle. It consists of conductive traces that measure resistance changes when submerged in water. Higher Water Level: When more of the sensor is submerged, conductivity improves, and resistance decreases. Lower Water Level: When less of the sensor is submerged, conductivity reduces, and resistance increases. This varying resistance results in an output voltage that is directly proportional to the water level. By measuring this voltage using an Arduino, we can determine the water level. Specifications of the Water Level Sensor Operating Voltage: 3V to 5V (Consumes <20mA) Humidity Range: 10%–90% (non-condensing) Operating Temperature: 10°C–30°C Sensor Type: Analog Output Voltage Range: 0V to 3.85V Detection Area: 40mm (height) x 16mm (width) Hardware Overview The water level sensor consists of ten exposed copper traces: Five Power Traces: Carry voltage necessary for the sensor. Five Sense Traces: Detect water presence. These traces are intertwined, ensuring that each sense trace is positioned between two power traces. When immersed in water, the sensor bridges the gap between them, enabling water level detection. The sensor module also includes: A power LED that indicates when the sensor is powered. A transistor and resistors that help regulate the signal output. Water Level Sensor Pinout VCC: Power supply pin (connect to Arduino 5V) GND: Ground pin (connect to Arduino GND) OUT: Analog output pin (provides signal based on water level) Schematic Diagram The schematic diagram below illustrates the working of the water level sensor module: The NPN transistor (Q1) is connected with: Emitter to GND through R2 (100Ω) Collector to VCC Five power traces are connected to VCC through R1 (100Ω) Five sense traces are connected to the base of the transistor Current-limiting resistors (R1, R2, R3) protect the transistor and LED. When water comes in contact with the traces, it allows current flow, triggering the transistor and sending an analog signal to the Arduino. Wiring a Water Level Sensor to Arduino The circuit diagram is shown as follows: To interface the water level sensor with an Arduino UNO, connect the following pins: VCC of the sensor to 5V on the Arduino. GND of the sensor to GND on the Arduino. OUT of the sensor to Analog Pin A0 on the Arduino. Connect SCK and SDA pins of LCD is to I2C pin of the Arduino. Arduino Code for Interfacing Water Level Sensor Module with Arduino /* Interfacing Water Level Sensor with Arduino UNO using Analog Output pin of Module by Using this code we will know the Analog Value when water level is very low and when it is very high. */ #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // Library to Run I2C LCD // define the size of filter array #define FILTER_SIZE 20 // Set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Define the analog pin for the soil moisture sensor const int WaterSensorPin = A0; // Analog Value filter int Filter(int sensorValue); void setup() { // initialize the lcd lcd.init(); // Turn on the Backlight lcd.backlight(); // Clear the display buffer lcd.clear(); // Print a message to the LCD lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Analog Value:"); } void loop() { // Variable to store sensor values int sensorValue; // Variable to store filtered values int filteredValue; // Read the value from the soil moisture sensor sensorValue = analogRead(WaterSensorPin); filteredValue = Filter(sensorValue); // Display the filtered Analog Value on the LCD lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(filteredValue); // Clear Previous Data lcd.print(" "); // Wait for 50ms before the next loop delay(50); } // Averaging filter to filter Analog Values int Filter(int sensorValue) { static int analogArray[FILTER_SIZE] = { 0 }; int filteredValue = 0; int i; // Shift the Elemnent removing the oldest value stored at index 0 for (i = 0; i < (FILTER_SIZE - 1); i++) { analogArray[i] = analogArray[i + 1]; } // Put the current value in the last element of Array i.e at index FILTER_SIZE-1 analogArray[FILTER_SIZE-1] = sensorValue; for (i = 0; i < FILTER_SIZE; i++) { filteredValue += analogArray[i]; } // Return Filtered Analog Value return (filteredValue / FILTER_SIZE); } To learn how to build water level sensor checkout: Video
How to increase high voltage from ignition coil using diode + inductor?
russwr replied to russwr's topic in Power Electronics
There was no diagram. The man from 2008 was using bench ignition tester box and said was able to get 40Kv from normal magneto coil of 6-15kv. He had inductor in line with spark gap inside the tester with range switch on 50kv. The triple wires coils was in plastic deli tub that acted as a capacitance. 100 v from box was switching the primary windings of the Magneto coil, instead of normal spinning magnet . 12v battery hooked to input of the S1R9A9M9 wires assembly. An extra spark gap if in series with spark plug just divides up the original volts into 2 voltages. The coils were putting magnetic field over plug wire and the 2 flows were reversed, so as designed in interference, causing delay time. Maybe the delay was increasing the voltage. The small CDI ignition boxes for motorcycles use a doubler/tripler for capacitor volts to discharge into transformer primary. - you should know that, but I don't know how they work. I need to know how to increase 12kv to 24kv. -
How to increase high voltage from ignition coil using diode + inductor Ignition coil is not AC output. Therefore a voltage doubler can't be used. Pulsing DC output high voltage, was reported in 2008 to have been increased using diode + Millihenry inductor wire coil, and capacitance of plastic tub. Does this have anything to do with resonant charging choke or as pulse forming network? How to do test on work bench with Magnet magneto type Ignition AUTOTRANSFOMER that uses 3 connections. I have parts. Comments requested.
In this extended tutorial, you'll learn how to interface the Seeed LoRa Wio E5 Module with the Arduino UNO and connect your setup to The Things Network (TTN). TTN is a global network that allows IoT devices to connect via LoRaWAN, providing seamless communication for smart city applications, agriculture, and more. Setting Up The Things Network (TTN) To interface with TTN, you must create an application, register your device, and get the Device EUI, Application EUI, and App Key. Get PCBs for Your Projects Manufactured You must check out PCBWAY for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto PCBWAY to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from here. Using this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad. Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up TTN: 1. Create a TTN account: - Sign up at [The Things Network]( 2. Create a new application: - Go to the TTN Console. - Navigate to Applications > Add Application. - Fill in the details like the Application ID and Description. 3. Register your LoRa device: - Within the created application, go to the End Devices tab and click Add End Device. - Choose OTAA (Over The Air Activation) as the activation method. - Fill in the required fields like Device EUI, Application EUI, and App Key. - If you don’t have a Device EUI, you can generate it on the TTN console or use an existing one (found in your LoRa-E5 documentation). 4. Configure frequency plan: - Depending on your region, choose the appropriate frequency plan (e.g., EU868, US915, etc.). 5. Save the device information. Now you have the Device EUI, Application EUI, and App Key from the TTN console, which you’ll need for the next steps. Hardware Configuration Connect the LoRa E5 module with Arduino Una via the UART interface. Connect Rx to Arduino 6 and Tx to Arduino 7 and power to 3.3 V. Configuring Arduino IDE You already have the Arduino IDE configured for basic LoRa communication. Now, let’s adjust the code to communicate with TTN using the LoRaWAN protocol. Setting Up LoRaWAN Communication For LoRaWAN communication with TTN, the Seeed LoRa E5 module uses AT commands to handle the LoRaWAN stack internally. We’ll configure the device to use OTAA (Over Air Activation), where your device joins the network dynamically using the Device EUI, App EUI, and App Key. Common AT Commands for LoRaWAN: - AT+MODE=LWOTAA: Set the mode to OTAA. - AT+ID=DevEui, AppEui: Set the device and application EUI. - AT+KEY=APPKEY, AppKey: Set the app key. - AT+JOIN: Join the LoRaWAN network. - AT+CMSGHEX: Send a message in hexadecimal format. - AT+PORT=1: Set the port for communication. Code Example for TTN The code below will configure your LoRa E5 module to connect to TTN via OTAA. #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include<SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial e5(7, 6); static char recv_buf[512]; static int led = 13; int counter = 0; //static char recv_buf[512]; static bool is_exist = false; static bool is_join = false; static int at_send_check_response(char *p_ack, int timeout_ms, char *p_cmd, ...) { int ch; int num = 0; int index = 0; int startMillis = 0; va_list args; memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf)); va_start(args, p_cmd); e5.print(p_cmd); Serial.print(p_cmd); va_end(args); delay(200); startMillis = millis(); if (p_ack == NULL) return 0; do { while (e5.available() > 0) { ch =; recv_buf[index++] = ch; Serial.print((char)ch); delay(2); } if (strstr(recv_buf, p_ack) != NULL) return 1; } while (millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms); Serial.println(); return 0; } static void recv_prase(char *p_msg) { if (p_msg == NULL) { return; } char*p_start = NULL; int data = 0; int rssi = 0; int snr = 0; p_start = strstr(p_msg, "RX"); if (p_start && (1 == sscanf(p_start, "RX: \"%d\"\r\n", &data))) { Serial.println(data); if (led) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } } p_start = strstr(p_msg, "RSSI"); } void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led, LOW); e5.begin(9600); Serial.print("E5 LOCAL TEST\r\n"); if (at_send_check_response("+AT: OK", 100, "AT\r\n")) { is_exist = true; at_send_check_response("+ID: AppEui", 1000, "AT+ID\r\n"); at_send_check_response("+MODE: LWOTAA", 1000, "AT+MODE=LWOTAA\r\n"); at_send_check_response("+DR: EU868", 1000, "AT+DR=EU868\r\n"); at_send_check_response("+CH: NUM", 1000, "AT+CH=NUM,0-2\r\n"); at_send_check_response("+KEY: APPKEY", 1000, "AT+KEY=APPKEY,\"2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3D\"\r\n"); at_send_check_response("+CLASS: C", 1000, "AT+CLASS=A\r\n"); at_send_check_response("+PORT: 8", 1000, "AT+PORT=8\r\n"); delay(200); is_join = true; } else { is_exist = false; Serial.print("No E5 module found.\r\n"); } digitalWrite(led, HIGH); } void loop(void) { int ret = 0; if (is_join) { ret = at_send_check_response("+JOIN: Network joined", 12000, "AT+JOIN\r\n"); if (ret) { is_join = false; } else { at_send_check_response("+ID: AppEui", 1000, "AT+ID\r\n"); Serial.print("JOIN failed!\r\n\r\n"); delay(5000); } } else { char cmd[128]; sprintf(cmd, "AT+CMSGHEX=\"%04X%04X\"\r\n", (int)100, (int)50); ret = at_send_check_response("Done", 5000, cmd); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); if (ret) { recv_prase(recv_buf); } else { Serial.print("Send failed!\r\n\r\n"); } delay(2000); } } Explanation: - Device EUI, App EUI, and App Key are set up according to your TTN registration. - The module will attempt to join the TTN network using OTAA. - After joining, it sends the message “100,50” in hexadecimal format. Testing the Setup with TTN Once your code is uploaded and the Arduino UNO is powered up, follow these steps to ensure everything is working: 1. Check the Serial Monitor: - Open the Arduino Serial Monitor to observe the join process. - You should see a “Join Success” message if everything is set up correctly. 2. Monitor your TTN Console: - Go to your TTN Console and navigate to the Live Data section of your device. - You should see the uplink message “100, 50 ” appearing in the data stream. 3. Testing range: Move the device within the range of a nearby TTN gateway to test communication. Troubleshooting & Tips - Unable to join TTN: Make sure your Device EUI, App EUI, and App Key are correct. Also, check if you’re within the coverage area of a TTN gateway. - Antenna setup: Ensure you’ve connected a proper antenna to the LoRa E5 module to get a good signal. - Check frequency plan: Make sure you’re using the right frequency (EU868, US915, etc.) for your region. - TTN Console Logs: Monitor logs in the TTN console to see if the device is trying to connect but facing issues. Conclusion You’ve successfully interfaced the Seeed LoRa Wio E5 Module with the Arduino UNO and connected it to The Things Network! Now, your device is capable of sending and receiving data via LoRaWAN, making it ideal for building IoT applications such as smart city infrastructure, environmental monitoring, and industrial IoT. Happy experimenting with TTN!
You would need to supply a schematic for anyone to help you. What is "2008"?
5.1 Optical Input to I²C Conversion for Audio System
HarryA replied to Bulbula's topic in Projects Q/A
I2C is for data transmission not for audio. -
Small hand wound wire coils Transformer for induction higher current use of secondary , 60 turns to 1 turn step up ratio, with iron core is an inline wire of another much lower current circuit of higher voltage. As I understand it, an output of a secondary requires a completed path through a load for the secondary BOTH END WIRES to work. Do I assume a proper polarity blocking diode should be mounted across to ground by load resistor and to 2nd circuit , for a completed path for that secondary side? "2008 reference commented only saying I know that it seems not likely to work, but it does." The meter readings deduced that a resultant reactance ohms was induced into primary side , reducing IT'S current by .4 when other pulse applied on secondary side, with slight increase visible current on that pulse side. Voltage was reduced on the 2nd pulse side also. 12 volts DC 20amps reduced to 12 amps, then used. I don't have AC low voltage low frequency power source to test this. The only data important here, not power loss, is whether a slight current increase can be achieved in a 2nd circuit to load, as they stated from 2008. Need to know or comments please.