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Posts posted by jeancarloabreu

  1. Greetings!

    (I am from Venezuela and my english is not so good, please try to understand .... and excuse me)

    I need to build a network in a laboratory with a strong emi emiter equipment, so is necesary to measure the emi at certain points of the laboratory. I dont know if a circuit may help me with this.

    Also i need to build a emi generator, to test how it affects the network. I must generate a electromagnetic field that interfere with a data transmision wire, the strong of the field must be measure as the data transmision rate. After this i would have an equation that relates the strong of the field with the interference in the wire (interferencia = f(EMI) or some thing about).

    The network its planed to use UTP CAT 5, but all the work is for a network course at my university.

    Please help me.

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