Hello everyone, I am now actually thinking out loud.I dont believe I have the knowledge to build this idea I came across. My goal is to remove the instuments from my motorcycle ( for starters speedometer and RPM ) and replace them with a VGA tft LCD ( most propably about 7" ) and the gauges to be displayed on the lcd.Analog gauges that is,on the LCD. If thats possible at ALL,I would like to add the following specs : ** Different looks on the gauges ( to make it look from a gsxr to a cbr or an R1 or even a concept gauge ) ** Customized gauges : change the color of the elements of the gauge ( needle backround etc ) I believe this project requires microcontrollers. PLEASE keep in mind that these are thoughts and I would to like to hear your thoughts and comments on the projects and hints as well P.S Thanks to all the moderators and members who reply and contribute to the community P.S 1 Child imagination is what makes us engineers ( civil,mechanical,space,electrical,electronic ) Best regards