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abdulrazzaq sharif

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Posts posted by abdulrazzaq sharif

  1. It's great to hear that you're diving into the world of electronics! Since you've already started with introductory books and schematics, here are some recommendations to further enhance your understanding in electronics:

    "The Art of Electronics" by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill: This is a comprehensive guide that goes beyond the basics. The mentioned book covers a wide range of topics with practical examples and insights.

    1. "Practical Electronics for Inventors" by Paul Scherz and Simon Monk: This book offers hands-on guidance and practical projects to help. The book written by "Paul Scherz" helps you apply your knowledge to real-world applications.

    2. Online resources and tutorials: Websites like Adafruit, SparkFun, Electronics-Tutorials.ws, and All About Circuits offer tutorials, projects, and forums to help you learn the things practically.

    3. Join online forums and communities: Platforms like Quora, Reddit's r/electronics and other electronics platforms can be great places to ask questions. You can also share your progress, and learn from experts.

  2. Hello IjaP 1012

    There are many e-books available for Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) students. The "best" one depends on your specific needs and interests within the field..

    however still you can try both of these books. These provide a comprehensie knowledge to ECE Students.

    Microelectronic Circuits" by Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith: A comprehensive resource on analog electronics and microelectronics.

    Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Michael Sipser: An essential book for understanding the theory of computation and algorithms.

    Using a 3.5 mm audio jack to input audio from a speaker to your laptop's microphone input port might not work as intended.
    The microphone input port is designed to receive low-level signals from microphones, which are usually much weaker than the output from a speaker.
    Connecting amplified audio signals from a speaker could potentially damage the microphone input port of your laptop.
    It's safer to use a line-in or auxiliary input designed for higher-level audio signals. You could use an external audio interface or a USB sound card to connect the speaker's output to your laptop for recording purposes.
    Always check the specifications of your laptop and any additional equipment you plan to use to ensure compatibility and avoid potential damage.
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