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  1. Note: Operate under the root user by default. 1. Qemu and Debootstrap Installation Since a Debian file system is built on Ubuntu, these two tools can be installed directly using the apt-get command. The commands are as follows: sudo apt-get install binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static debootstrap 2. Extracting Debian File System Use the debootstrap command to extract the file system. Execute the following command to retrieve the file system from the Debian mirror: mkdir /home/forlinx/debian sudo debootstrap --arch=armhf --foreign buster root https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/debian/ Explanation of command parameters: arch:Specify CPU architecture buster:Debian version (currently 10) foreign:Use when initializing unpacking in a different architecture than the host root:The folder where the file system is stored https: // mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn / debian /:Download source Extraction may take around 10 minutes. Please be patient. Successful extraction reveals the Linux directory tree. If extraction fails, try multiple attempts or switch networks. 3. Perfecting the File System Since the operation is conducted on an X86 virtual machine, QEMU needs to be used to simulate an ARM environment to improve the file system. a.To copy qemu-arm-static into the newly built base system, use the following command: cd root sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static usr/bin cd .. b.Initialize the file system. Execute the following command: sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C LANG=C chroot root debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage c.Use the chroot root command to initialize file system chroot root d.Use the command to create the following echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> etc/fstab mkdir -p usr/share/man/man1/ mknod dev/console c 5 1 e.To update the download sources, use the command vi /etc/apt/sources.list to open the source.list file and replace the contents with the following: deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable main contrib non-free #deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable main contrib non-free deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable-updates main contrib non-free #deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable-updates main contrib non-free #deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable-proposed-updates main contrib non-free #deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable-proposed-updates main contrib non-free Then save and exit. Use the command apt-get update to update the source. If updating the download source reports an error,use the date command to modify the system time to solve the problem. f.Use the command apt-get install vim to install some necessary software apt-get install vim apt-get install sudo apt-get install dpkg apt-get install bzip2 apt-get install net-tools apt-get install ntpdate g.Create a new user with the command adduser forlinx, then enter the password adduser forlinx h.Set the root password, use the command passwd root, and set the password to forlinx. passwd root i.To set up Ethernet, enter the following command: vi /etc/network/interfaces As follows: #/etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8) #The loopback interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback #Wireless interfaces iface wlan0 inet dhcp wireless_mode managed wireless_essid any wpa-driver wext wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf iface atml0 inet dhcp #Wired or wireless interfaces auto eth0 #iface eth0 inet dhcp #iface eth1 inet dhcp iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway broadcast auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask gateway broadcast #Ethernet/RNDIS gadget (g_ether) #... or on host side, usbnet and random hwaddr iface usb0 inet static address netmask network gateway #Bluetooth networking iface bnep0 inet dhcp Add a network reboot cd etc/rc5.d/ vi /etc/rc5.d/S02net_restart.sh As follows: #!/bin/bash echo "network restarting!" /etc/init.d/networking restart echo "network restart complete!" j.Modify host name vi /etc/hostname Modify to: Debian k.Modify the system time zone cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Hongkong /etc/localtime ntpdate ntp.aliyun.com Take East Zone 8 as an example, other time zone files are also included under this path. l.Since 6ull is weak, skip installing the desktop and go straight to using the exit m.Just exit the qemu environment exit 4. Package the file system Go to the debian filesystem directory and use the command tar - cjf rootfs.tar.bz2. / * to package it. 5. Burn-in verification Place the packaged file system into the burner, while keeping the other images as they are and only replacing the file system. Then proceed with the burn-in test. 6. Debian command a.Check Debian version cat /etc/issue b.Install wget apt-get install wget Solve ERROR: The certificate of ‘packages.microsoft.com’ is not trusted. Report error,then add -- no - check - certificate after the command. Appendix: Installation Method for .net on Linux 1. Download the .net compressed package from the official website https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0 2. Enter the /home/root directory cd /home/root 3. Install script settings vi install.sh The script is as follows: #!/bin/sh DOTNET_FILE=dotnet-sdk-6.0.402-linux-arm.tar.gz export DOTNET_ROOT=$(pwd)/.dotnet mkdir -p "$DOTNET_ROOT" && tar zxf "$DOTNET_FILE" -C "$DOTNET_ROOT" export PATH=$PATH:$DOTNET_ROOT:$DOTNET_ROOT/tools DOTNET_FILE is the name of the downloaded zip file. 4. Execute the installation chmod u+x install.sh ./install.sh 5. Modify environment variables vi /etc/profile As follows: export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet:$HOME/.dotnet/tools 6. Test Enter the following command: dotnet new console -o sample1 cd sample1 dotnet run The following output should be seen: Hello World!
  2. 1. Compile the fw_printenv tool Execute under the uboot source path, and then generate the executable file of the fw _ printenv under tools/env. . /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.1.15-2.0.0/environment-setup-cortexa7hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabimake env 2. Configure fw_env.config file Modify the fw_env.config file under tools/env in the uboot source directory according to the mtd partition, the location and size of the UBOOT environment variables, etc. See the instructions in the fw_env.config file and the /tools/env/README file for specific modifications. Among them, Device offset, Env size, and Flash sector size should correspond respectively to the three macro definitions CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET, CONFIG_ENV_SIZE, and CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE in the include/configs/xxxx.h file in the U-Boot source code directory. vi include/configs/mx6ul_14x14_evk.h Take the test 256nand as an example: CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET = 0x600000 ONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE = 0x20000 Open the tools/env/fw_env.config and modify as shown in the following figures: Take the test 1gnand as an example: CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET = 0x1000000 ONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE = 0x20000 nand model number MT29F8G08ABACA Refer to the manual to change the ENV_SECT_SIZE value to 256K. Open the tools/env/fw_env.config and modify as shown in the following figures: nand model number MT29F8G08ABABA Refer to the manual to change the ENV_SECT_SIZE value to 512K. Open the tools/env/fw_env.config and modify as shown in the following figures: 3. Copy the file Copy tools/env/fw_env.config to the /etc path of the development board; Copy tools/env/fw_printenv to the root file system of the development board under the path /usr/bin. And create a soft link to fw_setenv ln -s /usr/bin/fw_printenv /usr/bin/fw_setenv 4. Read and write environment variable test Read environment: Write environment variable: The uboot phase has been modified synchronously. 5. Problems and solutions Problem: make env reports an error in the uboot source code Solution: Comment out the CC in the top-level Makefile and use the environment variable in the CC.
  3. Hi I needed to help for making and install ” PARALLEL PORT BREAKOUT BOARD WITH BUFFER FOR CNC & ROUTERS ” from http://www.electronics-lab.com/project/parallel-port-breakout-board-with-buffer-for-cnc-routers/ I assembled PARALLEL PORT BREAKOUT BOARD and I install mach3 but I can not to config mach3 to run board Is there anyone who has assembled this board and has configured the mach3 to to run this board?
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