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  1. Hi, I need mono sound triplexer for divide mono sound for applying three different way. Thanks...
  2. Hi, I want to make oscillator that works 65 Hz between 255 Hz . It's frequency changes automaticly so I thought If I have a electronic resistor I'll change that oscillator's freq. Have you VCO osc schem?
  3. Hi, How can I make electronic resistor thanks...
  4. Hi, I need a osc it works 50Hz. between 270 Hz. also it's range changed automaticly. (from 50 to 270 then from 270 to 50)
  5. I don't want make jammer. Iwant to effect all channel on walkie talkie or effect sub channels from self main channels. If I make noise genarator that is work 70 Hz between 260 Hz than apply main channel, I guess it will be success. What is your opinion? And have you any noise genarator schem.?
  6. I want to make noise generator. It effects a walkie talkie and it uses 446 MHz. walkie talkie has 8 main channel and 38 sub channel with ctcss. I want to effect all sub channel with main chennel.(ex:1.0 effect to 1.23)
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