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Everything posted by bhargava
Hi Cryonic!!!.... Thanks a lot the books are great and extremely useful to me. thanks for the books . Regards... Bye... Bhargava. :)
Hi Cryonic.... Thanks alot for the ebooks links provided i need them a lot but there is a problem i am not able to down load these files as my net connection uses a proxy and the site does not support multiple downloads for free users like me . So please upload those files in to this site so that i can download them easily and others in the forom also can have easy acces to them... Thanks a lot for your support ..... Regards... Bye... Bhargava :) :) :)
Hi Ante!!! Thanks for the book . I'll wanna keep innovating with all ur blessings..... Thank you.... :) :) :) Bhargava
hi ! Ineed a good ebook on matlab preferably a copy of Buck, J. R., M. M. Daniel, and A. C. Singer. Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using MATLAB®. as early as possible so some one pls help me out.... Thanks... :) Bhargava
Hi, I need a detialed account on BODE PLOTS the theory behind them , practical applications etc..., almost every thing about them .I've not come across any book which deals in depth with the reasons behind the plot. so please help me out!!! Thank you.... :)
Hi Ante, But both the frequency bands do not overlap the frequencies are totally different so i think interference won't arise .any ways please clarify if both signals do not have common frequencies so please clarify.... Thank you Bhargava
Hi Sundin, I've worked the problem out for verification these are the answers IcQ =1.64mA VCEQ= 6.68V The equtions used the logic ,theory almost every thing is lucidly explained in Electronic Devices and circuits by MILLMAN & HALKIAS from TMH ok then Bye... Bhargava
Hi, I just got across an idea is it possible to implement it please clarify with both theoritical,practical implications.. If we have 2 transmitters (modulators analog comm (AM)) whose modulated frequency bands do not overlap transmitting different messages can we use single antenna to transmit both of them... please clarify... Thanks... Bhargava
Hi Zepplin,AudioGuru, Thanks for I've got what i wanted my doubt was clarified thanks for the additinal info provided. Bhargava
Hi Vasu.P(ECE star), The topic has a related IETE paper try reading it byeee ;D :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? :P
Hi!, I did not get ur idea!!! To my knowledge a modem is required only if u use analog communicationlike a telephone link etc..., But blutooth is digitally implemented system!!! So... Pls clarify... bye...
Hi, I was just wondering why dont we have a Ultra Violet communication technology? Well we know that higher the freq. easier the commminication the UVs are higher freqs, easier to produce also it helps us increase the availble spectra as all of us know frequency is a valuble resource so why there is no UV comm. system in vogue. Or atleast is there any research going on in the area clarify please..... Your's Bhargava.
Hi guys!, Hello I'm up to give a seminar on the high temperature super conducting microwave filters. if u have any stuff related to that it is gonna help me a lot pls help me out
Hi, I need a MATLAB which is good enough especially inorder to use for control systems,communications toolboxs and also basics some one suggest me good links Greetings..... Bye............
Hi, audioguru!!!, Well what you said was right but this term"CURRENT SERIES FEEDBACK" is used in many a standard literature on basic amplifiers(by Millman etc...,)I basically understood the phenomenon but couldn't justify the name given to it. Obviously the name given must be apt and should carry some meaning with it. To me current series feed back means output current of an ampbeing collected, given as an input to a feed back ckt(block) whose out put is fed in series with the input but i can't figue out this phenomenon so make the picture clearer to me!!! Greetings... Merry Christmas.... Bye... :) :) :)
Hi, It is known that a feedback capacitor is used in a CE amplifier in order to avoid current series feed back ie., the drop of input signal across the emitter resistance.Well it is fine up to here But..... Why do we call the input signal drop across emitter resistance as current series feedback? I'm struck here some one help me out please......... Thanks Bye.......... :) :) :)
using a2 astable multis to build a simple fm comm system
bhargava replied to bhargava's topic in Inventive/New Ideas
to vary the frequency with voltage I apply the signal voltage to the collector resistors of both the transistors apart from thenormal power supply. this induces change in frequency of the pulses at the collectors.thus i use an astable multi as vto f converter -
using a2 astable multis to build a simple fm comm system
bhargava replied to bhargava's topic in Inventive/New Ideas
Hi audioguru, Thanks I got my doubt clarified :) :) :) -
Hi, I came accross magnetic lagging because of which we introduce skewness in windings in DC machines but i do not know any thing about the phnomenon of magnetic lagging so some one help me out by giving me all about that tutorials,links could be of great help to me!!! :) :) :)
Hi Walid, The phenomenon of cross over distortion arises in Class -B power amplifiers in complimentery symmetry mode. here we use 2 transistors both biased at cutoff region. so the base to emmiter voltage in no signal conditions will be zero when there is some signal applied whose amplitide is less than 0.7V ie., the cutoff voltage of base emitter junction, then the base emitter junction is reverse biased and still the transistor is in cutoff region only when the signal exceeds the 0.7V then the trasistor turns active and we get the out put thus in Cass B operation wecan't get the output for input voltages less than 0.7V and for i/p voltages >0.7V we get 0.7V less than what we are supposed to get when we don't have this phenomenon . this is called as crossover distortion
Hi, Here i would like to put in some apt analogy than Food. Electrons take lesser time to travel throgh lesser resistances like we do in lesser conjusted roads. So more current flows through lesser resistances as current is rate of flow of electrons. If we connect two resistors in parallel would be similar as 2 parallel conjusted roads and the total no of electrons flowing through will be sum of electrons flowing through both the resistors. hence effective current increases for the same P.D since R=V/I the resistance decreases
using a2 astable multis to build a simple fm comm system
bhargava replied to bhargava's topic in Inventive/New Ideas
[glow=red,2,300]Hi,[/glow] AudioGuru I basically meant to ask if the astablemulti could be used as a bilaterral element when it is used as voltage to frequency converter. Please clear this doubt :) :) :) -
Hi Walid !!!, The link was great. Thanks for it :) :) :)
Hi !!!, Ive searched many books for a complte comprehensive info on tuned amplifiers but i couldn't get it. I badly need it. I need both conceptual as well as quantitative analysis,design procedures of tuned amplifiers.In a nutshell every thing about them!So please help me out by giving some useful links or some useful tutorials on them. Thanks!!! ??? ??? ???
Hi Decade, The Tutorial was good. Do you have any thing more on Switching regulators? Regarding the design, analysis..., if so it would help me a lot!!! :) :) :)