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Posts posted by AJB2K3

  1. i brought an Alipe unit(CD/radio + m-Link for changersitem code CDM- 9825RB which uses the M-Link but im running an mp3&playstation through the official imput lead (din to 2 X phono), when i was googling i found some one had started a "hack"but is still working on it. if you are thinking about trying this unit ill try to work out the wiring.
    BTW Alpines own lead is - KCM-122B

  2. Everyone at some point has to decorate the project cases but what paint to use.
    A project im working on (in car PSU for the PS) has to look factory fitted to what i want to do is, have an exposed finned heatsink painted white or blue with a ford badge on it but will paint trap the heat in?
    If so is there a conductive paint that wont insulate the sink? :-\

  3. look for a mag called EPE(Everyday Practical Electronics) they have a win dll made to help with LPT interfacing.
    Split the led/lcd circuits.
    the leds can be set up to light when data travels between the pc and the lcd using a PORT MONITOR which is nothing more then a M&F D25 with a risistor and led connected to D0-D7, at its most complicated it can contain a transistor.

  4. heres an idea
    a circuit like this

    |--/--| |--/--| |--/--|
    the swithces are connected i parrallel with a risistor and connected to an analog Microprocessor (parralax stap) when a button is pressed the value of the chips pin changes and sends a value to the pc containing the pin and value to the pc.

  5. this is gunna sound stupid but -
    have yo tryed the manufactors? one time they had docs and progs free for that sort of thing?
    this is how i under stand.
    a PIC has two prong to read the Ibutton (a modified button cell battry connector) a PTM button connected to the pic to "programe" numbers and a relay to activate the lock(standered alarm system = 12 or 24 V).
    the PIC is programed to read the ibutton chectk the number with an internal list of numbers if the numbers match the relay is activated removing power from the lock allowing the door to open.
    to program the list the PIC is programed so a Ibutton is put in contact, the button is pressed and the pic rembers the code.
    This is the professional way of doing it but iff you want a better discription reply.

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