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  1. The site where i will be using the setup will be well out of the way from anyone that will using those radios, the remote trigger is more for effect than anything else, i would never trigger anything that couldn't be safely triggered by lighting the fuse... There are 304 channels so there is little chance of someone being on the same channel... Would i be risking damage to the radio? I ran some tests, the radio has a resting audio output of about 0.5v and an active voice voltage of between 1.924 and 1.927v, pressing the radios call button gives a reading of 1.875v Thanks! Dean.
  2. I have a pair of cobra 5km radios, would it be safe (won't damage the radio) to use the audio output from the radio to drive a transistor to drive the relay? I was thinking of turning to the radio to full volume and using the radios call feature which generates a harsh tone which I'm hoping is higher voltage that would generated under normal voice operation.. This is the circuit i was thinking of: http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/images/trswinpn.gif Thanks. Dean.
  3. Hi audioguru, Yeah i was meaning the AA type 1.5v, i have found this module (http://www.maplin.co.uk/Media/PDFs/N87BN.pdf) but i was wanting more like 500m range, what are my options in this situation? Thanks! Dean.
  4. Hi audioguru, Thanks for your quick and concise answer, I think that a capacitor of that size would be impracticable :( I have been told i could use a decent (Duracell) 1.5v cell to provide the current for heating the coil, the only problem is finding a receiver circuit that will run from just 1.5v... Any ideas? I could use 1x 1.5v and 1x 9v for the receiver and relay? Where can i find a circuit for a long range transmitter receiver circuit that isn't easily triggered from interference? Thanks! Dean.
  5. Hi Guys, I want to create a wireless firework igniter, don't worry its going to be used very responsibly! Basically i need a circuit that will allow me to generate about 1.1a for about 2 seconds from as small a battery as possible. I was thinking I'd need to charge a capacitor from a 9v cell? or could i use something even smaller/cheaper? I'm not expecting anyone to do all the work for me (although any help is very much appreciated) I was just wondering if you guys might know where to start? What is the circuit I'm trying to make called? If it was voltage it'd be an inverter, but as its current I'm trying to boost I'm not sure :) Thanks in advance! Dean.
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