Thanks Hero999.. It was this bootstrap problem and I dealt with it. Yeah I know I dont have to manually adjust the duty cycle, but at initial stage I used to adjust the positive input of comparator of SG3524 manually. I get good duty cycle from both SG3524 and IR2117. But there is a new prob now. I have to connect a PI controller in my circuit to keep the output voltage equal to 5 volts. I have passed the output (of the buck converter, which is supposed to be 5 Volts, after scaling it down) to the positive output of the comparator of SG3524. The negative input of comparator is output of PI controller and PI controller's input is the output of comparator. I know this sounds confusing. If you ppl need the schematic, I will upload it next time. I have used LM324N for PI controller. The prob that I see is, "P" controller works alone fine. "I" controller works alone fine. I.e. if they are broken in to parts and connect them , they individually work fine. But when I short the input and output of "P" and "I" controller, the output no more remains as expected. Why dont the "P" and "I" work together properly? Also when I use "P" and "I", I use the same IC for both. Thanks in advance.