hi, i found the solar energy harvester circuit from a journal.. and i still dont understand in the mppt (maximum power point tracker) part and Vsc driven smart enabler.. can anyone help me?? here's the schematic img811.imageshack.us/img811/4188/solarharvester.jpg 1. for mppt part, i dont understand how to connect the pilot cell to comparator. from the schematic, pilot cell is connected to comparator after passing the focv (fractional open circuit) method.. does it require any additional circuit or components like resistor or capacitor?? can anyone help me?? (give me complete schematic if you can please).. 2. for Vsc driven smart enabler, it's said that this circuit will enable the dc-dc comparator when the supercapacitor voltage exceeds the startup value (typically 1 V).. can anyone give the schematic detail for this enabler?? help me please.. thanks..