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Everything posted by lanoo

  1. While the Google ADK was great for allowing the two devices to interact over a USB connection, we felt that the system would be far better if it allowed for wireless communications instead. We added a Bluetooth Bee to Arduino setup and got busy writing an Android application that uses the handset
  2. We keep working on ADK(Android Open Accessory Development Kit) for weeks, and try to assemble some bata prototype and make a library for the communication between Android and Arduino with bluetooth. To make the communication between Android and Arduino easy, we would like show you a new way that android interact with Arduino and other similar boards. Bluetooth for example. Step one: Make a APP to Android which could communicate with other devices by bluetooth. Step two: Android APP connect to Arduino by Bluetooth Bee. For step one(Part1), we have just made a little APP for Android, achieve simple bluetooth connection with Android. This APP allows Android connect to each other by bluetooth, so you need at least two Android devices for this demo. Here we used two Android phones which are SAMSUNG I7680 and Lenovo O3. Then, there should be a complete development environment like Eclipse on your PC. You can find many of them in the Internet. I guess you all get ready, let
  3. Hello Guys: This is a demo of nRF24L01 module, which show how to control it by using Arduino. This is the part of the code. void setup() { SPI_DIR = ( CE + SCK + CSN + MOSI); SPI_DIR &=~ ( IRQ + MISO); // attachInterrupt(1, _ISR, LOW);// interrupt enable Serial.begin(9600); init_io(); // Initialize IO port unsigned char status=SPI_Read(STATUS); Serial.print("status = "); Serial.println(status,HEX); // read the mode’s status register, the default value should be ‘E’ Serial.println("*******************TX_Mode Start****************************"); TX_Mode(); // set TX mode } void loop() { int k = 0; for(;;) { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) tx_buf[i] = k++; unsigned char status = SPI_Read(STATUS); // read register STATUS's value if(status&TX_DS) // if receive data ready (TX_DS) interrupt { SPI_RW_Reg(FLUSH_TX,0); SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD,tx_buf,TX_PLOAD_WIDTH); // write playload to TX_FIFO } if(status&MAX_RT) // this is retransmit than SETUP_RETR { SPI_RW_Reg(FLUSH_TX,0); SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD,tx_buf,TX_PLOAD_WIDTH); // disable standy-mode } SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG+STATUS,status); // clear RX_DR or TX_DS or MAX_RT interrupt flag delay(1000); } } The whole code is here: http://www.elecfreaks.com/203.html This is just one way to use the module, any other ideas? Thank you for your help first.
  4. ElecFreaks - Community for electronics enthusiasts, provide all you need: Open Source Hardware, Development Platform, PCB service, Arduino Shield, RF Module, IC, Electronics Design Support, Electronics Components. ElecFreaks is an open hardware facilitation company based in Shenzhen, China. Benefiting from the largest electronic market, local manufacture power and convenient global logistic system, a vast number of funny and exciting products are created every day. We integrate resources to serve new era of innovation. To make electronic design and innovation easier, we offer various development platform, modules, tools, electronics components, PCB service and other open source hardware. Welcome to ElecFreaks store, and please let us know your wishes beyond shelf. http://www.elecfreaks.com/
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