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Everything posted by klunk

  1. something like this...? http://homepage.mac.com/sami_ashhab/courses/strength/subjects/impact/impact.html but it should be stressed that this is a temporal piece of equipment being made for non industrial use. it'll be used for a visual art exhibition, so the materials are preferably cheap and easy to assemble. cheers
  2. Hi all, I hope I've come to the right place. I need to make a large scale pounding mallet that can repeat a pound every 5 seconds or so. I'd be using a mallet approximately 300mm in diameter. It would pound away at a large cube of compounded dirt - a mud brick of sorts - that is roughly 1.5sqm or so. i think it'd end up looking a lot like what i saw on this site - http://www.electronics-lab.com/blog/?p=6799 i did a very rough sketch of what i assume it will require: 2 x a frame supports on either side of the mallet 1 x rod attached I also assume that some weight bar will be required on the end of the mallet stick to allow for a pendulum like motion. If I've come to the wrong place, sorry. If not, I hope you can help. So sue me for being an artist. Best
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