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About steven

  • Birthday 04/17/1963

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  1. :)hm if i rememeber corectly without going through my massive notes the neon glowed sort of orange colour i have videos to . some years ago i did an experiment where i had a neon light and by adjusting the frenquency output to the neon i got red green and orange and blue glows and thats years before i found out they have got colourd neon globes out on sale here that glow other colours
  2. :)that reminds me of a chemistry lab night club i was once taken to everything on the wall behind the bar was test tubes and flurescent stuff that glowed and the lights were purple and everyone who wore a white shirt glowed purple ill try that see what effect it has on paper latter when i get to it , oh the night was called dr feel goods chemistry lab night club, years ago but its no longer there
  3. :)my atempt at posting my note failed its to big i geuss theres not enough room here to upload it all
  4. :) and yet it works fine no problems and never had the neon blow out at all and i charged a photo flash capacitor up to the voltage rateing of the neon and it light up well . heres a picture of it the pink glow comes out on film but not when you look at it directly , and dispite haveing some counter clockwise wounds it still works like the one featured on youtube and for 12 volts i got much more voltage output than i put into it so if my conter clockwise turns do any cancelling out then why do i still get more than i put into it as for the neon well i followed the giudelines on youtube and put it in and it works fine in fact what you see on the project box pannel was originally a 12 volts dc gl;obe auto globe but i converted it to hold a 90 volts neon , ill tell you exactly how much voltage output i measured when i find my notes in amoungst all the 169 gigabytes hardrive
  5. :)heres the one that i biult from one of the circuits featured on youtube that i used to desulphate my 12 volts sla battery and charge a photoflash cap up enough for its neon to come on. i brought 7 meters of insulated red wire and 7 meters of black and i wound more than 90 turns , i thread the pair of wires through the inductor ring about a meter then wound that on clockwise then when it was done i got the longer bit left and wound that over the first winding counter clock wise so i made mine a bifilar wound clockwise and counter clockwise wound , its not that i dont know if the way i wound it makes any difference but it was just an experiment
  6. :) heres the 2 bigger joule thiefs i used to recharge flatt button cell watch batteries and desulphate dead sla batteries and even charge a photoflash capacitor to
  7. thats a joule thief circuit it sucks the last remaining power out of a dead battery and are very usefull ive biult a number of these and have a bigger one i use to recharge my watch battery with and desulphate my 12 volts slr battery
  8. thankyou herro 999 but then if the links in that site are brocken then why would it direct me back to here ive never encounted this before normally broken links take me to a cannot find the page or other but anyhow we know electronics lab is not at fault as it was the other site that brought me back here or it couldent tell the difference between a lightening detector and a water watcher circuit , its pritty funny really lol
  9. :)http://www.satsleuth.com/Misc.htm some of the circuits i clicked on in this site brought me to a different circuit in electronics lab , that had nothing to do with it click on lightening detector it took me to the plant water watcher in electronics lab theres 2 i clicked on that brought me here to different topics
  10. :)theres nothing wrong with the spelling except maybe one word recamendations but i think that looks ok its just a confuseing line in what ive said that is confuseing but the spelling is ok and spelling checker dosent work here iether, america has words there that are spelt differently so as long as its readable you can handle it , over here and other countrys we call our mothers mum in america yous call ya mothers mom see the difference, in spelling. i see audio guru you sure get around, when i go looking for circuits and ideas i often see your name in a site and allso hotwater wizard to yous must have the lead in the most electronic sites membership. ps you spelt english wrong ha ha ha lol
  11. :)the minimiun voltage for the buzzer is 3 volts the maximiun is 30 volts i got another problem now the circuit seems to trigger to easy now and when i sit it somewhere where it aint getting triggerd it will stay silent for so long then the buzzer will go of and keep going and wont stop unlless i pick it up with my hands and or turn it off the recamendations from the sight i biult the circiut from was to try the buzzer in sieries with the led and they said this may help stop the problem of it sounding continiuosly but the resister in it and led lower, the voltage and current ,enough and if i put the buzzer in sieries it may drop out of the threshold limit for the buzzer to trigger with 3 volts minimiun and i would end up with a buzzer that barley sounds. i did test the buzzer in place of the led but it sounded just barely so maybe i would have to restore it back to just the led for the time being.
  12. :)3 volts is the tiny buzzer voltage minimiun 3 volts the circuit runs on 9 volts ive just tried an idea i removed the 47r resistor and put a tinned coper wire link of unknown resistance in its place and put the buzzer after it in place of the led and it works , not to high not to low sounding just ok for me
  13. :) look carefully theres the neg and pos inputs im runing 2 of these circuits each off a nine volts battery no problems at all , the led is the 5mm one, i think its voltage is 1.7 ill recheck that soon to make sure its right the led blinks to each flash of lightening and aint dim but i was so suprized at how good it works . thankyou for youe input anyhow and i find it awkward with the tryangle ic symbols as they aint even rectangle like the real thing , i was lucky to find that circuit on the net so when i made a printed circuit board version of it it was better to follow with the proper ic shape configuration but then the resistor tracks are a bit awekward to but i got it ok
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