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hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)heres another simple circiut that works ok for makeing hydroxy gas , its a 12 volts 1amp motor speed controller ,pwm circiut that i biult from a kit and tested it, but i dident have 12 volts 1 amp to power it , my sla batteries are i think more than 1 amp , so i tried a 12 volts sla battery with a fault , it had 12.1volts but it dident have any current in it to even create a spark when ya short it out but it still worked and i got hydroxy gas bubles from the electrodes in demineralized water and bi carb soda , -
:) heres the latest of the ignition coil version high voltage photo flash , and non photo flash capacitor charger, after allowing my 2 igntion coil version cap chargers , to sit for a while unused i decided to investigate one that had low voltage left in its 12 volts seald lead acid cell battery , so i hooked up the new charger i just got but it dident work the charger just made a funny niose so i tried it on another battery and it was ok so i ended up replaceing the battery , and then fired it up after i took the lid off the circuit box that i made and noticed the 1/2 watt resister was arcing at one end of it and allso the 33k resistor from the end of the board to the coil was burnt up , as it was arcing to ,. so i replaced it with a 33k 1/2 watt type , to then fired it up but was still getting arcs at the 100 ohms 1/2 watts resistor and the 33k was getting hot and i cant get a 5or 10watt 33k as they dont have them in my local electronics catalouge , so i rigged up one of my 200 volts electro 47oouf and switched the circiut on again, thgis did the trick so if anyone biulds this it would be better if you rigg the capacitor to be charged up to the circuit before you switch it on , and be extra carefull as this puts so much charge and current into into the capacitor that when you short out the capacitor it makes bangs twice as loud as you get from shorting out a camera photo flash capacitor , that was cherged useing the camera circuit
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:) -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:) heres another picture, a close up of the glass beaker with the 2x 302 grade stainlless steell bolts, electrodes the water up to 20 mills or 25 was the demineralized water with bi carb soda from a 4 liter container of it, and i topped it up with just demineralized water to dilute it a bit , i have allready done a video footage of it and diluting the water seemed to help as the tranny is cooll, notice the underwater like vapour trail or fine bubbles on the right electrode seem to spiral abit from the bottom, and the bubbles on the left electrode are more bigger and in more amounts than that of the other electrode, i use 12 volts seald lead acid cell batteries to power all my exsperiemnts and the batterys are getting a little low so as soon as i get a charger to recharge the batteries ill redo the test, with the bicarb soda water mix diluted abit the water is more easyer to see into -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)if you look at the still picture i shot from the frozen moveing video footage notice the white looking flame and the aura looking, bright yellow glow that serounds it. now look at the 2 parts draws in the back ground , the light flash on them looks blue in colour and even when i replay the whole footage i still get the same blue flash , i wonder where that blue come from , theres no blue plastic or anything that light can penetrate and go through and change colour , with here -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)heres a stilled picture taken from the video footage of the visible flash of the hydroxy gas igniting, this is the one that you can actually see when it pops without haveing to slow the footage down to see it. but in order to get a picture of it i slowed it down and stoped it and took this picture off the pc monitor screen so i can post it here -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)the latest tests of the modified flyback circiut i decided to try a few different other value green caps for different frenquencies , the one marked 472 i removed and tried a 10uf written as 105 on the large green cap it worked ok but when i got to trying the 0.56uf green cap written as 474 , the hydroxy gas generating seemed to improve as the flame from my cigarrette light when i brought it to the top of the hydroxy gas pipe lite the gas and the top of the water was on fire for a few seconds after i took the flame away so it was burning by itself when i took the flame away , i geuss i was or probably getting equal amounts of both gas vapours the tranny got hot again and so did the water so ill try my largest hydroxy gas generator next time , oe sdjust the water conductivity by diluting it a bit -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:) the heating up of the transistor could allso be because i was useing a fully charged 12 volts seald lead acid cell battery i geuss that as the battery voltage was getting lower the transistor allso seemed to not get hot to but then i changed battery to another one and it still seemed ok as this time i was actually useing my small hydroxy generator and it had more water than the beaker could hold , and because it had more water in it , it wasent getting hot and the tranny was cool then , all the exsperiemnts ive done i could never see the flash so i used my digital camera and filmed it then slowed it down on the pc, enougth to be able to see the flash but in the latest exsperiment i was able to see the flash for the first time ever , without haveing to film it and slow it down, to see it, i beleave this to be very wierd and the components on the board and the way i have it set up may be i geuss createing this gas at a near maqgical frenquency , and a flame held over it seems to react by makeing the flame brighter the vapour is burning good , ive removed the electrolytic capacitor from the board and it still goes good without it , recently i put a little dish washing liuqiud in the small hydroxy generator to hold the gas but the bubles formed were like inside the beaker in the other exsperiment and it was white and if any bubles were there they were so small you cant see it it looked like fine foam from a bubble bath , but ive washed it all out and maybe a small trace is left in it and before i used a bowel of water with dish washing liqiud in it and when i put the gas into it to light up the bubbles were then bigger and the flash was invisible unlless filmed and slowed the video down to see it , where only the flash was seen and no flame , the tests and results are all wierd ill work it out somehow. -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
notice in the latest picture that there is a mystery reaction there see the larger bubbles forming on the inside surface of the glass beaker and this was while the tinyest bubbles was surfaceing thus makeing the water very white ive read of something like this about the formation of bubbles away from the electrodes, on the net last night , the bubbles was suposed to all come from the stainlless steell bolt electrodes and surface and they are but the bubbles forming on the inside surface are away from the electrodes ignore the circiut you see in the back ground as its a gravity wave detector . not part of the hydroxy gas exsperiment -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:) -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)my ignition coil driver which i allso have, that allso is used to make hydroxy gas has a 100 ohms resistor and it dont get hot so i put a 100 ohms resistor in and left the 2n3055 npn transistor in but when i tested it again i got so much misty bubbles that it made the water look white and trying to take a picture of it up stairs with the bedroom light on which wasent so bright, was hard as the light from a torch i used to help light up the erea was being reflected by the white misty reaction in the small glass beaker i used to do the exsperiment in. , the water got hot and so did the transistor , dispite the gate resisitor being the same as in another circiut useing the tranny. i tried useing plain tap water and it dident work and the tranny dident get hot untill i used the demineralized water with lots of bi carb soda to increase the waters conductivity, so i beleave the high conductivity of this prepaird water was what gave the good reaction and made the tranny hot to allso the water, and the misty looks of it id say i was getting so many bubbles the size small enougth to make it look misty underwater, and i put the flame to it and couldent really say much as the beaker was an open one so the gas aint concentrated enought to ignite it . but i did see , vapour mist comeing from the water but not thick as under the water . -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)well it was worth the exsperiment to try it , anyhow the small bubble production i got may of been to little to be of use , im testing it out for desulphating a battery and it appears to be slowly working as im allso useing my desulphator and the driver circiut together , and in this exsperimental setup the high pitch niose which is adjustable through the 25k and 10 pots is now comeing from the inductor of the desulphtor circiut , and even though its makeing the tranny hot i have it sitting on and ice cube in a small shooter glass to keep its tempiture down , with the variable voltage and frenquency output of the flyback driver circiut with the 2n3055 in it and the frenquency of the desulphator to i think maybe im getting a mutiple frenquency wave if i got it right zapp the battery , as the minimal voltage it could hold was around the 4 volts now its holding more so far ive got to 5 volts its hard to say whats happening but ill let ya know when the tests are done -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)i tested out another flyback driver circiut for makeing hydroxy gas but the bubbles were only in small amounts , this driver circiut isent as good at makeing hydroxy gas as the one i posted recently, that has the inductor in it, thats the best one ive used. this other one has a gate reisitor of 300 ohms and the mosfet its suposed to have was the irf750 or near that but i dident have any left so i tried out a 2n3055 transistor and got bubbles ok, but in small amounts so i parralelled another tranny with it and got the same results , and one of the 2n3055 trannys got hot, and not the other one so i removed the trannys and tried just a irf510 mosfet which gave the same reactions before, it stoped working, so i changed the gate reisiter to a 470 ohms like in the other driver circiut that makes the best gas so all i need to try out is the irfp450 n channell mosfet like the other circiut uses and see if i get faster gas output like i did with the other circiut, even though its only one mosfet and not 2 like the other circiut, that uses 2x irfp450 n channell mosfets -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:) heres another simple power supply for extracting hydroxy gas from water, in fact i posted this circiut into the high voltage stuff section before , now the circiut i posted recently that i found to be ok in makeing hydroxy gas was the flyback driver circiut , so heres the ignition coil driver circiut that allso be used to make hydroxy gas , and i will be working on updateing this to work better or hopefully faster at makeing hydroxy gas -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
316 grade stainlless steell has supiorior corrosion resistance, to 304 grade and 302 grade stainlless steell , so its best to use the 316 grade , in western australia i found the 316 grade stainlless steell bolts at the local coventry store and they are cheap to buy and work very well to as im makeing another hydroxy gas generator useing these bolts and they are fatter to , in this one the bolts are inserted fully excet for the heads of the bolts , and ill use battery compartment springs as a contact for the 2 bolts , as soon as its finished ill post it here. and this one will be upgraded -
Inverter Circuit 12V DC to 230VAC Sine Wave
steven replied to harrychoo's topic in Electronic Projects Design/Ideas
:) intresting keep up the good work -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)if anyone has been luckey enougth to work out the parts used for the stiffler scientific version hydroxy gas circiut id like to see it. and with my tallest hydroxy gas generator when i put my thunb over the gas output tube i can feell the gas pressure biuld up pritty good still and i think that useing 2 hydroxy generators off 2 separate power supplys would give me double the gas output and pressures, the 302 stainlless steel bolts i use get some corosion on them after a while and they start to feell razor rougth or sharp like, so 316 type stainlles steel bolts may be better to use , with the circiut im useing even water dosent work so i have to increase its conductivity more with bi carb soda in order to get the best gas output as i can , as trying to force the current through water to get bubbles , with the circiut im useing is so hard . -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
heres one from stiffler scientific and if you look at the video youll see how fast the hydroxy gas is generated , theres bits of the circiut used but the details of the component values are not there so can anyone fill in the missing details so i can try this circiut out. D:\Charge Recycle Electrolyzer - CRE.htm -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)this one the lazer is pionted into the top from the other side you can see a small part of the beam highlited by the hydroxy water vapour -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
in this picture i shown the lazzer into the top from above, you can see a thick concentration of the hydroxy gas water vapour being illiuminated -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
here is the latest pictures, in the first one is the top pipe section of my small hydroxy gas generator, and the lazer beam is highlighted by the water vapour comeing from it -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
if ive made an error on the mosfets i used they are the IRFP450 N CHANNEL MOSFETS , and the stainlless steell bolts i used, have 302 written on the packet, i need to try to get a better grade of stainlless steell that i was told is harder and may corode less than the grade of stainlless steell im useing, i apologise for the clarity of the last picture here , -
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
here is the latest picture, of the latest hydroxy gas generator power supply/push pull driver circiut/flyback transformer driver circiut. all installed into the latest home made pvc circiut box. notice the heatsink with the 2 irfp450 n channell mosfets on it , all installed inside the box and not outside it , if i installed it outside and i was to pick the box up when i have a static charge on my body in case i touch the heatsink with the static sensitive mosfets on them, i dont want to take that chance. see that blue plastic screw on lid im holding it has a small hollow threaded outlet pipe screwed into it , that lid originally screws onto a large 4 liter demineralized water container that i have my demineralized water and bi car soda mix in it for the hydroxy gas generator. that lid being to big to fit on top of my smallest hydroxy generator , so i sat it on top of it and the gas and vapours made one side of that lid jump up and down and when i held my lighter flame at the outlet black peace i wasent getting the gas reaction as it was comeing out under the lid and not where i held the flame, as the gas was comeing out from under it which exsplains the lid jumping up and down, so i decided to apply pressure and hold that lid down with my hand to give it a better seal and so the gas will come out the outlet nozzell instead , and with the flame at the output nozel it made a loud bang , it was an implosion as the lid did not force upwards against my hand at all , and due to the narrow neck of my small hydroxy gas generator it couldent get sucked into it so it got cracked at trying to . if you have kodack easy share use the zoom to zoom in on that lid to try see the crack if you can , with the lid off you can see bubles and allso the hydroxy gas vapours to and with a lazer youll see it better -
:)i posted a high voltage probe circiut schematic in the high voltage stuff section somewhere agers ago it should still be there look at topic high voltage circiuts if it hasent been wiped by hackers it should still be there , if not go to the site tesla down under thats where it comes
hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water
steven replied to steven's topic in Theory articles
:)i have no idea if video footage can be uploaded here as they are 10mb in size, so if anyone wants any email me and ill email some to you