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Posts posted by steven

  1. audio guru those clips are push down types that has a coper hook thing that enables me to clip them onto the transister legs, and if i test the 2n3055 npn transistor, because it only has 2 legs and the body is the collector i just push down on the third clip and touch the coper hook to the body of the transister to test.

  2. :)audio guru my in circuit transister tester dosent use intergrated circuits and i think the circuit i use works by shorting out the leds, something like that and the less parts it uses makes it really easy to biuld. mine works great .and gives great indication of any shorts between any legs of the transistor you test. its easy to revers engineer to.

  3. :) i tired this simple experiment agers ago, with a photo flash unit from a pocket camera. first id charge up that 330 volts capacitor in the photo flash unit of the camera, then id dump that charge right smack into the coil of a small speaker, but i was exspecting the speaker to blow but it dident it just made this loud poping noise, and if i put something small on the card board part of the speaker or speaker cone what ever you call it and this loud poping will send this object flying but as i exsperimented i decided to try it through vairious capacitors of different values , non electrolytics, so the higher the value the less louder the poping was so this was handy testing out the ability of these different capacitors in filtering that voltage i dumped into the speaker coil from the photo flash capacitor , ;)

  4. reply to steve , be sure the stated wattage for the dimmer your useing agrees with the bulb wattage. allso low quality dimmers tend to cause flickering of the lights, vibratory hum from the switch itself. i personally had no expierience in trying six spoties on the mains but , i would just whack a mains rated ac capacitoe say 1uf across the ac output from the dimmer and see what gives.

  5. :) from steven the high voltage output mini marx generator setup which i power from the generators high voltage multiplier circuit still fires up well, and if yous dont have a turn peace for the microwave oven motor/generator a thick peace of perspex filed to the shape of a lever will provide more leverage in turning the shaft of the motor generator, drill a small hole in it for the shaft, then file it to shape, close to that of the shaft. if you dont have a thick enougth perspex bblock or peace you can make your lever by glueing a few sheetes or strips of perspex together then cut and file it to shape.

  6. :) :)reply to audio guru, very well siad audio guru you are a master of words, the 1m resister is in sieries with the parrallel capacitor stack, and the microwave oven motor generator before that one with the metal shaft i put in, got its internal plastic cog damaged, so i used it as follows the round disc shaped magnet i stuck to the end peace on the shaft of a large 12 volts high speed motor from a remote control boat, and the coil section of the moter i used by inserting the magnet into it, and when i fired it up i got ac output as this magnet i secured with super glue . i once used a hot glue gun to do another magnet but the heat destroyed the magnets magnetic feild, so useing super glue is better, ill post the info to the generaters topic as soon as ive completed it. hopefully ill get more continiuous arcs when powerd by moter.ive been informed by someone from :) tesla down under site on net who ive had email contact with before, that the disc magnet s in the microwave oven motors have several poles, i though was a bit strange for such a small magnet i dont know the frenquency of my arcs or other as i dont have a frenquency meter ,

  7. :)reply to audio guru just measured the ac volts output form the microwave oven moter generater well at the speed i rotated it i was getting between 400 and 556 volts ac output around that so i havent exceeded the voltage rateings of any one 3kv ceramic capacitors yet, now ive got a few different looking microwave oven motor generators so they may vary in ac output i geuss. my hand powerd units are made so you can rotate the moter shaft turn peace half way, backwards and forwards . and i recently replaced one generater with plastic shaft and internals, for a moter generater with metal shaft as the hard cranking of the microwave oven /motor generaters dose damage the plastic cogs inside thuss breaking the teeths of the main plastic cog inside, so i hope the steel shaft type microwave oven motor generater has metal cogs inside, to pro long the moters life.

  8. :) reply to audio guru thanks for the compliment of my pvc decoration. i havent measured to ac voltage from the generater yet, ive been to busy with everything, i will concider it, i dont know the ac output from the hv multiplier circuit as it produces great hv arcs and in case it exceeds the limit of my digital multimeter 1000 volts range , im not ready to risk it yet as my meter costs $78 so untill i complete my hv resister devider circuits im working on ,which will enable me to measure high voltage with my multimeter, so when its done ill be able to give more info, as for the parralell capacitors well at first i had 16 in parralell for more current capacity , and the 1m bleeder resister was what i tested at first and it worked i charged up i6 parralell caps at 630 volts , at a higher current level that i assumed would be, but i dident measure it yet and i got the same results i get from shorting a high voltage photo flash capacitor . a pop , as for the bridge rectifier , ill try that when i reconstruct the parralell capacitor setup. ive dismantled many photo flash camera circuits before and they seem to use the 1m bleeder or feeder resister to the hv capacitor so i used it in my exsperiment but the hv camera circuit has 250 volts to the trigger coil . but as for the capacitor.s i used in parralelll well for the unmeasured voltage from the hv multiplier i assumed to be over a thousand or more volts , judgeing by the hv arcs i get from it . i decided to test it useing the same 1m feeder resister used in most flash circuits, to the hv parralell capacitor circuit , as soon as my hv resister devider is completed ill measure the multiplier circuit hv output and then adjust the resistance from there ante if your gona have a go at biulding a hv output hand powerd generator. im behind you all the way.

  9. :) reply to audio guru thanks audio the ac output from the generator is fed to the parralell capacitor stck via a 1m bleeder resister when the parralell capacitor stack was only 16 long i was haveing no troubles untill i increased it to 20, and i think the values of the hv ceramics in the high voltage multiplier circuit, are higher than i had with the other hand powerd generater that i may of used to power up the 16 long green caps before i increased them to 20 , if you were refering to a bridge rectifier, all capacitors are non polarised, yes the voltage would remain the same 630 volts but higher current, i will rebiuld the parralell capacitor stack but stick to 16 and see how i go there to. or try increaseing the bleeder resister.

  10. :)from steven with the final completion of my latest hand powerd , generater with the full length high voltage multiplier circuit and 20x 630 volts 0.33uf capacitors in parrallel all in the one unit i found that the microwave motor ,used as a generator ,if it has a plastic shaft with plastic internal cogs,although there hard to turn , but with the turn peace if you rotate it hard enougth that after a while the internal plastic cog easily gets damaged. so it may pay to use a motor generator with a metal shaft,

  11. reply to audio guru. love your sense of humour audio guru. i love exsperimenting, my stomach pain may of been something comon. the signals from the zapper dosent penetrate the thick parts of the body that much to light the led up more so its nessisary to use shortcuts , like put one electrode, near the erea of the tummy pain and the other, as close to the erea you can. in my exsperiment , i had one electrode on me belly and the other between my right leg and , golf bags, as embaraseing it is to say but im laugthing at this. this increases conduction better as the signals only have to travel that short distance to have better effects than to rely on it doing the job if you have one electrode in one hand and the other in the other hand, as i think it would go through the top of your body instead of where the pain is. as for the mini arc generater i get arcs so thin you hardly feel them and ive got another exsperiment that puts arcs to your skin from the one hv output, due to body capacitance, and i have a multiignition coil driver with 2 parralell coils that through a lead pencil will throw one arc from the hv out to your skin and will burn clean holes in it and you hardly feel a thing , the aplications for something like this in the beauty industries could be big especially when you can use it to exfoiliate dead skin cells etc etc.

  12. :)re theres different electrodes that could be used , i think that somehow , if you get the right one the best catalyst which ever one that may be to create the best or faster production of hydrogen, would be the way to go , or could the catalyst be something you can add to the water to get the best hydrogen production, who knows what the magical catalyst is if there is one, i tried useing the carbon rods method, but at the voltage i used at the time hydrogen and oxygen production was to slow , so it was a toss up , more current or a magic catalyst to really get those bubles moveing, as they are slow at dislodgeing from the carbon rods . but i did think that maybe sound waves could be used to vibrate those bubles from the carbon rods faster , alyhough the bubles are under water sound travels slow under water but faster through a gas. if ive got it worked out right. :)

  13. im glad you like the j naudin site ante ,and all those intrested in hydrogen production and even free energy, and lifters, enjoy, go forth and make the world a better place. theres lots to lern and do. as for the electrodes, dont know how to get platinnum electrodes but there was some mention about tig or mig welder electrodes, as for the science exsperiment mentioned . i myself tried one years ago, useing a test tube i put lemon jiuce into it and a peace of iron from a transformer and some soldering wire and coper, the reaction made the lemon jiuce eventually buble out of the test tube then i held a match to it and it went pop and the foamy stuff disserpeard then ,

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