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Posts posted by steven

  1. hey ray a3 glad to be of help to youif you use solid feul like gun powder to  then you can use a nichrome wire with some initiator compound on the top to ignite the gunpowder, use sparkler compound scraped from a sparkler , those ones you lite up and they spray sparks out of.  at the tip of the nichrome wire file it thin then apply the sparkler compound to it with some contact cement or other  and use the foam wire cutter circuit i posted to heat that nichrome wire hot so that the thinnest bit with the initiater compound will ignite first

  2. :)the bd234 transistor is very hard to get here where i am as all the electronics suppliers ive checked dont have it , so the only way to get more is to pay $19 for another kit from jaycar electronics, i want to increase the size of the main board and make a few improvements , id like it if someone can look at the circuit again and make some changes to it so that it can use more comon  easyer to get transistors rarther than the bd234, the bd234 from what i can find dosent have any comon replacements here otherwise i could get them ,2amps 45 volts 25 watts thats all i can find out about the bd234 , so if anyone can make the chnages to the circuit so it can use a better easyer to get part id be happy

  3. :)this is easy in the forums here , i posted a 10 led light chasser circuit some time ago and from these ten leds they are linked to another ten leds and so on there was 96 leds total which i dident post the whole circuit just the ten led light chasser details but to make them stop as to use them as a random number generator or in my case a lotto number picker i just tap a wire to each side of the electrolytic capacitor and then run it to a switch so when i press the switch the leds all stop in there tracks , then i use the on/off switch to switch it off then back on again to get them moveing , they looked like ten leds chaseing each other at the same time so i get to choose 6 numbers. out of ten when they stop, looking at 1 led moveing along if you follow it with your eyes it makes some kind of optical illiusion to  so you think your seeing double

  4. :)the latest test with the thicker wire all installed after the last picture was taken gave me the total voltage output of 156 volts ac which dropped to 152 as the one transistor and the whole heatsink got hot so i adjusted it down to 150 volts ac.  which would be ok as it dident heat the transistor up and the heatsink its on , i waited it to cool down and fired it up again and at 150 volts ac it was only warm so unlless i can get the tempiture details for thoses trasistors so i can know how hot they get before they fail if they do, ill leave it at 150 volts ac which is more than enougth for the water gas circuit and the cold fusion reactor , there seems to be only one supplier in this country for the bd234 which i need more of to make a better inverter and they are over in queens land australia , the water gas circuit uses only 120 volts ac to separate hydrogen from water . this circuit if i ran it off a car battery which has more current it may of cooked the transistors i think, so my smaller battery is fine for it and the 150 volts would be more handyer for countrys that use that voltage , so now i have a 12 to 150 volts invertor for expserimenting with and when i can get a decent size houseing for it ill slowly adjust the trimpot and bring the voltage back up steady till its not to hot and settle at that , those microwave oven tempiture switchs sure may be handy to switch the circuit off when it gets to hot , you can get them for different tempitures to , i may latter try a bigger heatsink or use the 2n3055 transistor

  5. :) heres the latest results of the super simple inverter circuit,
    notice the size of the holes in the circuit board for the wires , they can only take certain size wires ,of certain gauge.

    so the holes would need to be enlarged for a bigger gauge wire which i did latter.  the 10 ohms wire wound resistor ,at 10 watts would need to be increased to a higher wattage. as it got hot dureing testing,    just one only i felt to be hot.
    the whole transistor and heatsink on the right got hot but held up well and so the recamended heatsinks could be increased in size more to.

    at first test useing only normal wire,  before i changed it to thicker wire after redrilling the holes for  a larger size , i got a voltage of 139.7 volts so i turned the tripot fully to the right and it went up to 143.3 volts ac . and thats from useing only a 12 volts sealed lead acid cell battery and not a car battery .

    the transformer made the low whining sound or huming sound .

    in the picture is a microwave oven screw type globe i powerd that with the output no problems  it wasent fully bright , but bright enougth,  it was daytime so ill try it at night . since ive chaged the wires to a thicker gauge ill do another test soon , to see if its improved

    the power transformer i got  has 2x 12 volts and 2x 15 volts ac outputs and 2x zeros i bridged the zeros and used them both and i used the 12 volts outputs


  6. ;) now for a test useing the output voltage if its 3 amps  like the transformer say it is, first i made a water gas circuit , rated to handle 6 amps at 1000 volts , well thats the voltage rateing of the bridge rectifier, i dont have any 24uf non electros around so i settled on 0.47uf green caps , even though you get them in a brown colour  to . then i used the same demineralized water i use to make colliodal silver with and i added  some low sodium diet lite salt to increase the conductivity  into my split diode reactor i once made and posted the pictures to the playing with hydrogen topic . now powering it i used the short bow settings and when i turned it up the bubles from one electrode was fast and smaller than i would get from useing just a 12 volts battery to provide the voltage  so  ill be working on it more soon


  7. thankyou for that diagnostic audio guru , it sounds like that kit dont deliver what the makers say it dose, 140 watts they say , well anyhow ill find a use for what i can get out of it when i get the transformer and heat sinks, the 2 transistors that originally came with it had tesla written on them, i have no info on them , and dont know how good they would really be so maybe ill try them first , and see how they go

  8. hey mp i brought the invertor kit as i was ciurious as to how something so small would do what they say it dose , ive had an inverter once but it dident put out enougth current to power a drill, in fact it just barely turend it and it lite a house hold globe only dimly so i wonder what this inverter will deliver, the transformer they recamended in the catalouge  i have to buy it and the 2 heatsinks sepparate , it says in the instructions that for more output power add a 2n3055 transistor in parralell with each of the other 2  but dose it really matter which ones you use in the 2n3055 range  with the different manufacterers , the ones that came with the kit have tesla written on them , im gona try a normal 2n3055 and see what goes,  when i get the last bits i need ,  even if it dont deliver the current output i need ill try then, the parralell transistor setup for more power or ill use what i got for a bingo feul reactor i plan to try makeing , and for the hydrogen from water thing

  9. :)sarma thankyou for your input , ill try that when i make the second one  if my calculations and theories for my planned  hydrogen from water exsperiment  goes ok  . the the other part where the nichrome wire goes to cut foam with ill be leaveing that out for the time being in favour , of useing that nichrome wire  and another idea to aid in the exspansion of  hydrogen gass . extracted from water

  10. :)thankyou samma, my brother biult one from these schematics and it works great to the t and he has a construction setup for the nichrome wire and a tension spring to and when the wire gets hot , when you adjust the tempiture it bows and he has no problems at all  as the spring keeps the wire straight

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