Hi Friends,
I am a newcomer. I try to make 750w DC 24V DC motor speed control. At my project i use TL494 ( ka7500) for control the motor, the current increase by 3 mosfet IRF75n75 ( IFR3205) you can use the biger mosfet for get big power. At this video i show you how to i make it. I don't have the big motor so i use 288W 24V 775 motor for test. You can see the result on my video. The circuit run very well. The total cost of the project is around $10 - $15.
Step 1 Hardware Requirement
You can see all of my project but i will show again
Step 2 Make the PCB
You can make the PCB use iron method. I have post the Shematic and PCB file. Please download bellow. Or you can order PCB online like me, i order PCB online from JLCPCB.COM. Their price is very low only 2$/10PCB with high quality. I order PCB from their lot of time. You can try. Look the PCB i had order, what do you think about that ?
Step 3 Make the PCB
The Schematic and layout file. you can download PDF file below and make it at home by yourself.
Step 3 Finsh and Get Big Motor Controler
I am a newcomer and this is the fist time i post on this forums. If i have any mistake please comment below i will try to fix in the next project. I want to share you all of thing i know. If you have any question for my project, please comment below i will help you.
You can find more project about electrical on my youtube channel:
Thank you very much
750W_DC_Motor_Controller_TOP PCB.pdf