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Posts posted by ante

  1. Hi Daisy,

    If the resistor lowers the reading its value is too high. If the capacitor makes no difference its value is too low. It all depends on the internal resistance of the meter. If you use a cap without a resistor the cap will charge very fast on power up and discharge fast through the loads when power is removed i.e. no effect. You have to choose a resistor that influences the meter as little as possible and a cap which is large enough to give you the desired effect.

  2. Hi John,

    That will probably, just like many other questions remain unanswered!  If someone would remove all kinds of documents and stuff which are copyrighted, this site would vanish completely! If you do everything “by the book” it is illegal to post all kinds of pictures, schematics and circuits unless the author has given his blessing in writing and you also post this permission.
    In other forums (EDA-board) as an example there are no such limits and no one is complaining about copyrighted material being posted.
    These matters are obviously not open for discussions here at E-Lab!

  3. Remember to check the maximum available current for the -5V tab! Also the motherboards current requirements at -5V. Often the current is just -0.5A and this might affect the motherboard even more than other solutions. A fan might use almost as much at startup and this might wipe out the initiation phase of the motherboard causing it to produce errors!

  4. Hi there i have problem with my transformer power supply. The input is 415v and the output is 130v. Now i need 110v from the 130v, so how to get 110v from 130v? Only need to reduce 20v to get 110v. What electric part or electronic part to reduce this voltage???? Plz help to solve my problem. Thanks.

    The sensible thing to do (if possible) is to remove a number of turns on the 130V winding to get an 110V output.
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot to update this one! Sorry!

    I found that the inverter transformers (both of them) had open circuit (secondary)! I scavenged a couple of working inverters in a dumpster at work and the thing is now working perfectly. I can’t figure out why both transformers “died” but as things developed, who cares? ;D


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