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The UNL2003 IC contains 7 High Voltage, High Current NPN Darlington Transistor Arrays each rated at 50V, 500mA in a 16-pin DIP package. You can connect the IC directly to a digital logic (like Arduino or Raspberry Pi, TTL or 5V CMOS device) without an external dropping resistor. This IC features "common-cathode flyback diodes" for switching inductive loads. The ULN2003 is known for its high current and high voltage capacity. The Darlington pairs can be "paralleled" for higher current Output. The inputs are capable with TTL and 5v CMOS logic. Now, let's deep-dive and check out the internals of the IC and how it can be used in our projects. Pin Configuration and Functions The notch on the top indicates the starting and stopping points of the numberings of the chip. Starting from left to right going counterclockwise this is the Pin number 1 of the IC. * On the left hand side Pin 1 to 7 are the Base Inputs. * On the right hand side Pin 10 to 16 are the Collector Outputs. * Pin 9 is the Common Cathode node for flyback diodes (required for inductive loads). * And, Pin 8 is the Common Emitter shared by all channels of the IC. This pin is typically tied to ground. Detailed Description Inside the IC is the arrays of the 7 NPN "Darlington Transistors". Darlington Transistors were first invented in 1953 by Sidney Darlington. A Darlington pair is a circuit consisting of two Bipolar Transistors with the Emitter of one transistor connected to the Base of the other transistor. In this setup, the current amplified by the first transistor is further amplified by the second transistor. The collectors of both transistors are connected together. This configuration has a much higher current gain than each transistor taken separately. A small base current can make the pair switch to a much higher current. It appears as if it is just a single transistor, with only one base, one collector, and one emitter. Creating a high current gain approximately to the product of the gains of the two transistors: β Darlington = (β 1 * β 2) + β 1 + β 2 Since, β1 and β2 are high enough, we can write the above statement as: β Darlington ≈ β 1 * β 2 This connection creates the effect of a single transistor with a very high-current gain. The 7 outputs are all "Open Collector". By Open Collector, we mean a collector that is not attached to anything. It's just open. In order for an open collector output device to work, the open collector has to receive sufficient power. In order for an NPN transistor to work, the collector and the base both need to receive sufficient power. The base turns the transistor on, and then a much greater current flows from collector to emitter, but only if the collector has sufficient positive voltage. So if you want to connect a load to the Output of the chip with an open-collector-output, you must attach the load to a positive voltage source that is sufficient enough to drive the load. Hence, the +ve side of the load connects to the +ve voltage rail and the -ve side connects to the OUTPUT pin of the IC. Hence, when the Base current goes HIGH, the current flows from the collector to emitter and the Output logic goes LOW turning ON the LED (load) connected to the OUT pin of the IC and vice-versa. The maximum Output Current of a single OUTPUT pin is 500mA and the total emitter-terminal current is 2.5A as per the datasheet. Now, let's have a closer look at a single Darlington pair (internal circuit diagram) of the ULN2003 IC. The GPIO input voltage is converted to base current through a series base 2.7kΩ resistor connected between the Input and Base of the Darlington NPN junction. This allows the IC to connect directly to a digital logic (like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, TTL or 5V CMOS device) without the need of external dropping resistors operating at supply voltages of 5V or 3.3V. The 7.2kΩ and the 3kΩ resistors connected between the Base and the Emitter of each respective NPN transistor acts as pulldown resistors preventing floating states and suppressing the amount of leakage that may occur from the input. To maximize the effectiveness, these units contain "Suppression Diodes" for inductive loads. The diode connected between the OUT pin and the COM pin (PIN 9) is used to suppress the "kick-back voltage" from an inductive load which is generated when the NPN drivers are turned off and the stored energy of the coils causes a reverse flow of current. A reverse biased suppressing diode is also placed between the Base-Emitter and the Collector-Emitter pair to avoid the Parasitic nature of the NPN transistors. Pin 8 is connected to the GND. Device Functional Modes Inductive Load In case of an inductive load, when the COM pin is tied to a coil, the IC is able to drive inductive loads and suppress the kick-back voltage through the internal free-wheeling diodes. Resistive Load When driving a resistive load, a pullup resistor is needed in order for the IC to sink current and maintain a logic HIGH level. In this case the COM pin can be left floating (not connected). This device can operate over a wide temperature range between –40°C to 105°C. Applications Now, lets hook this IC to a circuit. As we know, the ULN2003 IC can easily drive a high-current or high-voltage (or both) device, which a Microcontroller or a Logic Device cannot tolerate. Hence, they are widely used in driving inductive loads like motors, solenoids and relays. 1. In my first example, I am going to light up a few LEDs using this IC I have connected 7 LEDs to the 7 OUT Pins of the IC via 220Ohm resistors. On my left, are the 7 digital inputs directly interfaced to either a Microcontroller or a TTL Digital Logic. When a logic HIGH is sent to the input pin the corresponding OUT pin goes LOW lighting up the LED. 2. In my second example, I am driving a Unipolar Stepper Motor using this IC In this setup, I am using Pin 1~4 for INPUT and Pin 13~16 for OUTPUT. Each OUT pin is rated at 500mA. Pin 9 has the spike suppressor diode, and is connected to the +ve terminal. By sending combinations of 0's and 1's to the 4 input pins we can rotate our stepper motor. I have used this setup in my award winning Video Tutorial: "NodeMCU Based - 3D Printed Indoor Gauge Thermometer" the link is in the description below. 3. In my third example, I am going to light-up a few AC Lightbulbs using this IC For high voltage applications, we can use RELAYS to control motors, heaters, lamps or AC circuits which themselves can draw a lot more electrical voltage/current and therefore power. We can hook up a maximum of 7 Relays to this IC. In my setup, I have connected 4 Relays to the 4 OUT pins of the IC. An AC Lightbulb is connected to the NO-pin of the relay. When we send a Digital HIGH to the INPUT pin the corresponding OUT pin goes LOW and current flows through the coil pulling the armature, completing the circuit and hence lighting up the 220V Light Bulb. Same as the previous setup, Pin 9 with the suppressor diode is tied back to the +ve terminal. 4. In my 4th example, I am going to show you guys how to obtain more than 500mA at the OUTPUT As we know that each of the OUT Pins are rated at 500mA, then how can I drive a 1Amp device? All we have to do is, tie 3 of the OUTPUT pins on the OUT side, and tie 3 of the corresponding INPUT Pins on the INPUT side. Now the 3 INPUT pins act like a single INPUT Pin. So basically, we can parallel the inputs to get a higher amplified value of paralleled output. You may ask, why did I combine 3 INPUTS and OUTPUTS and not just 2? As per the datasheet each pin is rated at 500mA but the total output is 2.5A (*** Page 4 of datasheet ****). Hence, 2.5A / 7 Pins = 0.36 Approx. So, 0.36 * 3 = 1.07Amp Approx. which is what we want. Areas of Application The ULN2003A produced by Texas Instruments can be used for: 1. Driving motors and solenoids 2. Can be used as a Relay Driver for high voltage application (7 relays at the max) 3. To drive high current loads using Digital Circuits 4. To drive high current LED's 5. To create a water level indicator circuit 6. As a LED and Gas Discharge Display Drivers 7. Can also be used as a logic buffer in digital circuits and more... For more information about the packaging and the material used, please have a look at the datasheet. The link is in the description below. Always consult a manufacturer's datasheet before assuming industrial conventions, no matter how intuitive or obvious they may be. "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess." - Zen of Python Thanks Thanks again for checking my post. I hope it helps you. If you want to support me subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Video: Watch Full Blog Post: Visit References DataSheet: Download Darlington transistor: View Open Collector Output: View Transistor–Transistor Logic: View Parasitic Structure: View Related Videos NodeMCU Based - 3D Printed Indoor Gauge Thermometer: View Acronyms TTL: Transistor–Transistor Logic CMOS: Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Support My Work BTC: 1Hrr83W2zu2hmDcmYqZMhgPQ71oLj5b7v5 LTC: LPh69qxUqaHKYuFPJVJsNQjpBHWK7hZ9TZ DOGE: DEU2Wz3TK95119HMNZv2kpU7PkWbGNs9K3 ETH: 0xD64fb51C74E0206cB6702aB922C765c68B97dCD4 BAT: 0x9D9E77cA360b53cD89cc01dC37A5314C0113FFc3 LBC: bZ8ANEJFsd2MNFfpoxBhtFNPboh7PmD7M2 COS: bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23 Memo: 572187879 BNB: 0xD64fb51C74E0206cB6702aB922C765c68B97dCD4 MATIC: 0xD64fb51C74E0206cB6702aB922C765c68B97dCD4 Thanks, ca again in my next tutorial.
Had some time this weekend and a desire to create something new and interesting, so went ahead and created an Arduino/NodeMCU based indoor dial thermometer. This device displays the temperature in degree centigrade on a D-Shaped Gauge as well as on a 7-Segment display. In addition to that, it also saves the temperature and humidity readings in a MySQL DataBase hosted on a home based Raspberry Pi Server. The data is then displayed using the "Our Smart Home" app. Awards This project got featured on Cults3D and Instructables Components Required For this project we need: 2 x TM1637 Display Modules 1 x DHT22 or DHT11 Module 1 x NodeMCU Microcontroller 1 x 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with ULN2003 Driver Board 1 x 10K Resistor A 3D Printer Copper Wire and Some Nuts & Bolts Circuit Diagram The circuit is very simple. Connect the ULN2003 driver board’s IN1, IN2, IN3 and IN4 to the NodeMCUs digital pins D0, D1, D2 and D3. Then connect the OUT Pin of the DHT22 to the D5 Pin of NodeMCU. After that connect the 2 x Display Modules to the microcontroller. We are going to use a Common Clock Pin D4 for both modules. Then connect the DIO of one of the modules to D6 (TEMP) and the other one to D7 (HUM) pins on the NodeMCU. Important: Please avoid using the boot config pins D3, D4, D8 and the RTC pin D0 for the displays. Now, on the D8 Pin we are going to connect the switch. This switch has a very important role in this circuit. This switch acts as the 'home' or the 'starting point' of the stepper motor. When the switch is open Pin D8 is connected to GND through the pull-down resistor and we read a LOW. When the switch is closed, Pin D8 connects to 3.3v pin of NodeMCU and we read a HIGH. When the 'temperature changes' or the 'device boots up', the pointer starts moving 'counterclockwise'. As soon as the pointer hits the home position, Pin D8 reads HIGH and the logic moves the pointer 'clockwise' to display the temperature on the gauge as read by the DHT22 module. The Code The code starts by including all the necessary libraries. Then it defines all the variables needed for setting up the WiFi connection. Next, it assigns a static IP address to the ESP8266 (if you want to use DHCP then go ahead and delete these three lines from the code). After that, it sets up the 2 x URLs that are needed for updating the heartbeat, temperature and humidity. String URLUpdateStatus = ""; String URLUpdateTemp = ""; Before going ahead let's have a quick look at the 2 php files. The "UpdateStutus.php" file uses an UPDATE query to update the timestamp of the device sending the request to the current epoch time and hence updating the heartbeat. <?PHP try { $Token = $_GET["Token"]; $Location = $_GET["Location"]; include "ConnectionStringArduino.php"; // Create connection $sql = 'Update `Status` SET `DateTime`=\''.time().'\',`State`=\'1\' WHERE `Device`=\''.$Location.'\' AND `Token` = \''.$Token.'\';'; $result = $con->query( $sql ); if($result === FALSE) { die(mysqli_error());} mysqli_close($con); } catch (Exception $e) {} ?> The "UpdateTemperature.php" uses an INSERT query to add a new row to the database with the current values of Temperature and Humidity. <?PHP try { $Location = $_GET["Location"]; $TEMP = $_GET["TEMP"]; $HUM = $_GET["HUM"]; include "ConnectionStringArduino.php"; // Create connection $sql = "INSERT INTO `Weather` (`DateTime`,`Temperature`,`Humidity`,`Location`) VALUES ('".time()."','".$TEMP."','".$HUM."','".$Location."');"; $result = $con->query( $sql ); if($result === FALSE) { die(mysqli_error());} mysqli_close($con); } catch (Exception $e) {} ?> This is what is written to the database and can be displayed using Google Charts, in my case, I am using the "Our Smart Home" app to display the data using php and JavaScript. Currently I am only displaying the data from the Study room and the Peg Box. To know more about my award winning "Peg Box" project please have a look at my electronics tutorial no. 34 "Peg Box with Temperature and Humidity Monitor using NodeMCU" ( After that, I am defining all the variables required for reading and storing the value of temperature and humidity. Next, I am defining all the variables and setting up any additional symbols required for displaying temperature and humidity on the TM1637 Display Module. After that, I am defining the D8 pin of the NodeMCU as the reset switch pin. We will talk about this in detail in the following sections. Next, I am setting up the Steps Per Revolution of the stepper motor as 2038 and then initializing the stepper library through pins D0 to D3. const int stepsPerRevolution = 2038; // Change this to fit the number of steps per revolution of your motor Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, D0, D2, D1, D3);// Initialize the stepper library on pins D0 through D3 One thing to note: since I need both clockwise and counterclockwise movements, I have to initialize the pins in the order shown on screen. Then in the setup() section, first I am setting up the WiFi connection and then sending a heartbeat to the server. Then I am setting up the brightness of the 7-Segments to their max values followed by starting the dht module and finally setting the pin-mode of the switch to INPUT. void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize the serial port /*********** Setup a WiFi connection ***********/ if (WiFi.config(local_IP, gateway, subnet)) { Serial.println("Static IP Configured"); } else { Serial.println("Static IP Configuration Failed"); }; WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); }; Serial.println("\nWiFi connected"); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); SendIamAlive(); // Send the initial wakeup message to the server /**********************************************/ display_TMP.setBrightness(7); // Set the display brightness (0-7) display_HUM.setBrightness(7); // Set the display brightness (0-7) dht.begin(); // Setup the DHT sensor pinMode(SWITCH, INPUT); // Declare the switch pin as input }; Now, in the loop() section I am reading the temperature using the Read_Temp() function and then sending the Temperature and Humidity values every 30 minutes and heartbeat every minute to the home server. void loop() { /** Read the temp and humidity info from ther sensor and display it on the 7-segmnet and Gauge **/ Read_Temp(); /** Sending Humidity and temperature every 30 minutes **/ if((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay){ Serial.println("Sending Temp and Humidity");SendTemperatureAndHumidity(); lastTime = millis(); }; /** Sending I am alive message every minute **/ if((millis() - StatusCounter) > 60000){ Serial.println("Sending Heartbeat"); SendIamAlive(); StatusCounter = millis(); }; }; Next, you see the definition of the SendIamAlive() and SendTemperatureAndHumidity() functions which utilizes the WiFiConnect() function to send the values using the previously discussed URLs. The Read_Temp() function reads the temperature and humidity and updates the 7-Segment displays and moves the pointer only if there is a change in the values. The Move_Needle() function first sends the pointer to the home position using the Return_Home() function and then looks through and moves the pointer to the correct position until the stepCout is = STEPS. The value of STEPS is calculated based on the "stepsPerRevolution" which we previously set it up as 2038. So, 2038 / 2 (for half circle) = 1019 Now by dividing 1019 by 180 degrees we get the steps required to display each degree centigrade. Now to display each degree centigrade we need 180/60 = 3 divisions. Since our gauge starts from -10 and not 0 we also have to add the first 10 blocks which is (5.661 * 10 * 3) to our calculation. int STEPS = (5.661 * 3 * TEMP) + 169.833; // 5.661 (step resolution) * 3 (steps to display each °C) * TEMP + 169.833 (5.661 * 10 * 3) = since it starts from -10 and not 0) That's it as easy as that. 3D Designing Lets have a quick look at the 3D model of the project. At the front, we have The Pointer, D-Shaped Dial, and the Temperature Scale on the dial. Down at the bottom we have the Enclosure that will house the microcontroller and all other electronics components in it. The enclosure has a Lid to keep the electronic components safe and sound. At the back, we have a pocket to hold the DHT22 Module, 3 x holes for the stepper motor, 2 x groves for the TM1637 Display Module and 2 x L-Shaped Brackets to hold the top Dial to the bottom Enclosure. 3D Printing Once the 3D models were sorted, it was time for me to fire up my 3D printing oven and start printing these 3D models. I used: - 1.75mm Cold White PLA Filament, and printed the models with - 0.2mm - with 0% infill - and with support. As we all know, 3D printing is the process that uses computer-aided design or CAD, to create objects layer by layer. 3D printing is not a new technology, it's been there since the 1980's, when Charles W. Hull invented the process and created the first 3D-printed part. Since then, the field of 3D printing has grown exponentially and holds countless possibilities. The 3D printing process fascinates me a lot and I sometimes love to sit near my printer and watch these layers getting printed. The entire printing process took a little over 5 hours to complete and this is the final result. Alright now, let's start gluing all the printed parts. I first superglued the L-Shaped Brackets to the dial followed by the pocket that will hold the DHT22 module. Then, I went ahead and screwed the bottom enclosure to the top section via the L-Shaped Brackets. Breadboard Demo Before adding the electronic bits to the 3D printed bits, let's do a quick test to make sure everything works as expected. So, this 7-Segment display is displaying the temperature and the other one is displaying the humidity. The needle is currently going round and round in circles as it has no idea where to stop. To stop the needle, and to send it the correct position on the gauge, I need to connect this red jumper cable connected to 3.3v to the D8 Pin of the NodeMCU. Once I short the cable, the needle changes its direction and moves clockwise to display the temperature value read from the DHT22 module. The temperature and humidity values are also sent to the 'Home Server' which are then displayed using the "Our Smart Home" app. Coloring Using Acrylic colors, I painted all the 3D printed parts of the project. Assembling Once the coloring is done, its now time for me to put all the electronic components together. First I screwed the stepper motor to the back of the dial. Then, I gently pushed the DHT22 Module into its pocket at the back of the dial. Now the interesting bit. As per our previous discussion, we are going to use a copper wire as a switch that will move the pointer to its correct position. The copper wire will be fed through these two holes from the back and will loop through this small pipe like structure in the front. A small cut will be made on the top exposed side of the copper wire. Now on the pointer, we need to add a small piece of copper wire. When this copper bit touches the two copper wires on the pipe, it will complete the circuit and will send a HIGH to the system. Next, I am hot gluing the two TM1637 7-Segment Display Modules to the back of the dial. Once done, it's pretty much just a matter of soldering all the sensors to the NodeMCU as per our circuit diagram. Final Demo So, this is how my final setup looks like. Once the device is turned on, the pointer moves counterclockwise until it touches the copper wires that acts like a switch. Upon touching the wires the pointer moves clockwise to display the temperature value read from the DHT22 module on the D-Shaped Gauge. The temperature and humidity values are also displayed using 7-Segment Displays. The values are also sent over WiFi to a Raspberry Pi Home Server and stored in a MySQL database. Using google charts, you can display the data using various different graph options. In my case, I am using the "Our Smart Home" app to display the data using php and JavaScript. Thanks for watching, please comment and let me know if there are any scopes of improvement. Thanks Thanks again for checking my post. I hope it helps you. If you want to support me subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Video: Watch Full Blog Post: Visit Thermometer STLs: Download Peg Box: Watch How To Wire A Pushbutton: View Stepper Motor Specs: View Support My Work BTC: 1Hrr83W2zu2hmDcmYqZMhgPQ71oLj5b7v5 LTC: LPh69qxUqaHKYuFPJVJsNQjpBHWK7hZ9TZ DOGE: DEU2Wz3TK95119HMNZv2kpU7PkWbGNs9K3 ETH: 0xD64fb51C74E0206cB6702aB922C765c68B97dCD4 BAT: 0x9D9E77cA360b53cD89cc01dC37A5314C0113FFc3 LBC: bZ8ANEJFsd2MNFfpoxBhtFNPboh7PmD7M2 COS: bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23 Memo: 572187879 BNB: 0xD64fb51C74E0206cB6702aB922C765c68B97dCD4 MATIC: 0xD64fb51C74E0206cB6702aB922C765c68B97dCD4 Thanks, ca gain in my next tutorial.
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