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I have a small Camera that its Output is a RCA Audio/Video Jack.
I Plan to design a circuit which can detect:

1- RGB Signals
2- Horizantal Sync Pulses
3- Vertical Sync Pulses.

I know how to detect Horizantal and vertical synce pulses. but detecting RGB signals is a little bit confusing. there are too many ICs which most of them are used in TV and i am a little bit familiar with them but I can not decide which one is the best. the circuit should be as small as possible because it is going to be placed on a small robot.

ThanX in advance


Hi Shahriar,
What is FBAS?
What is the output of the camera? Isn't it composite video with colour and sync?

Use the camera's output to AM modulate the carrier of an oscillator set at the frequency of an unused TV channel in your area. Then you can watch it on a TV nearby. You could record it on a VCR.

A composite video signal doesn't have RGB, so you do't have to detect it nor convert it.


Dear Audioguru

This small camera has two RCA outputs. One is White (Audio) and the other one
is yellow(Video). if you connect these two jacks to the TV Input RCA Jacks then you can
watch what the camera is capturing.

My understanding of what I have read is:
the Signal which the Video Jack is carrying is called Composite Video Signal. the Composite video signal consists of

1- Luminance(Y)
2- R-Y
3- B-Y
4- Vertical Sync
5- Horizontal Sync
6- Some other pulses for Color detecting

The composite signal is a Base-Band signal and it is not Modulated so the highest frequency is around 7MHz

I really Do not know the exact meaning of FBAS but when you look at TV schematics, I usually see the signal coming from RCA Input Jacks is called
FBAS and sometimes CVBS. (all of these is around Video Processor IC in TVs)

I have attached a Datasheet which is related to an IC used in some kind of Old TV for detecting RGB. The Typical PAL decoding Application in page 7
shows how to detect RGB from Composite video signal.

If I am Mistaken please tell me!
As I said, I am going to use this Camera for Controlling a robot. This is why I want to detect RGB Signals.



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