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Hello friends,

My question is that I would like to find out if you have seen or made any circuit for the PC's parallel port which can control >= 64 inputs and outputs. I would prefer, if it is possible, to be TTL parts and not PIC. I already have and operate since 10 years an 8 relay board using the ULN2803 and I have written a rather nice software to water my plants in VB. But lately my needs expanded and I need help to make a larger one which will also accept some input statuses in order to keep them alive when I am absent.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Is it possible to have this page from Jan's book. Anyway I will keep you informed for the progress of this project. We are about 10 users in a greek forum trying this project together and develop the software.

  • 2 weeks later...

The project we have done is 2040 inputs and 2040 outputs. So far we have simulated and tested the Main board successfully and simulated the I/O Boards. It remains to test the I/O on the real world and we are done hardware means. Today I've got finally offers from three companies to make the PCBs with no too bad prices. By the end of next week I'll upload the schematics and PCBs and some info on how the system works. After that we have to improove and expand the software I had done several years ago to be compatible for this project.

Chears and thank you again for your help.

P.S. So far 41 users declared their interest to make this project. I didn't expect so many.


it is not a big problems if u used 74374,74244 and a 4X16 decoder

use dataport for input and o/p
decoder to the control port

In this case u can get 120 i/o . 64 input +56 outputs as u wish

see this link

Bibin John

  • 2 weeks later...

Dear friends,

First of all I would like to appologise for the delayed answer but I had some health problems. Anyway can you tell me how can I upload the Parallel Ultimate Control (PARULCON) project? That's how we named the 2040 inputs and 2040 outputs project. For anyone who is in a harry to check it out or have a look at the collection of all parallel port projects, we have established a site at http://www.freewebs.com/parulcon. The site is in english and greek also. The software to control the Parulcon is under development.

Thank you again for your help

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