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Win $750 and a brand new Fireball table - XMOS FoosTech


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Dear all,

XMOS (http://www.xmos.com) and Fireball are delighted to announce the FoosTech Create Competition 2009. The challenge is to build an improvement or enhancement to a foosball table that incorporates XMOS technology.

The prize for the best entry is $750 and a brand new Fireball table.

The competition runs in two Phases (you can join in at the second Phase if you want). In Phase 1, you submit a brief description of your idea and your team for the chance to get up to $200 in financial support for your project. In Phase 2, you build your demonstration project. The deadline for Phase 1 is the end of July, Phase 2 in early October.

More information can be found at xmos.com/foostech.

The competition is open to absolutely everyone - and you can team up as you wish. The competition is even open to XMOS internal staff... so if you have a great idea but no technical knowledge, or no idea but great technical knowledge, head on to the Xlinkers.org forums and ask for help - you might find a partner!

Possible ideas are: speedometers to measure ball speed, ball tracking, robot players, automatic table levelling, score counters, in-built slow motion replays, etc etc.

Best of luck,


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