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About MNA

  • Birthday 11/20/1986

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  1. I want a little more explanation on the time base generator and IC5 (4553) in the receiver circuit...... i think the latch should be made high at the fifth cycle of the input clock of 4017( i.e. at 1 Hz)....?? Waiting for quick reply Thanx for any help
  2. the difference betweenthe two files is the filesize...... the one i had before doesn't have any pictures which reduced the size...... downloading such a big file which u gave is impossible for me....... if u have the above file(withoiut pictures ) then please post..... thanx
  3. Hello everyone i have lost this file...somehow it got deleted from my hard disk..... if any of u have it then please post it.... upload it at any of the file sharing sites as i think uploading it here is not allowed(Rules)......
  4. ok I'll check that.... Thanx
  5. sorry but i didn't get it? No i haven't tried it yet but i think it has nothing to do with the waveform which is a result of some dc offset.... But i will make it variable because of the 1% tolerance factor.... i have checked the resistor values with the multimeter and then with those values i simulated the circuit...it is still not making such a big difference...... shouldn't the generator give 0 dc offset when the offset knob is closed/not pulled out(default)?..... why is it not giving 0 dc offset?.....
  6. the generator's output impedance is 50 ohms..... changing the resistance values on the simulator doesn't result in those waveforms which i m getting from the output of the rectifier..... but giving a 1 V dc offset inthe simulation do result intaht waveform..... so it's infact the dc offset which is causing problems.... but why the function generator is changing the dc offset from time to time...i couldn't figure out......
  7. Thanx AN920 and audioguru for yr suggestions.... I checked the input AC signal from the function generator. the DC offset was zero.... so i gave the input to the circuit and it still gave me the same output.... i again disconnected the input and checked the input again, it was then giving some DC offset aroung 0.7-1V..... I balanced the offset with the offset knob, then the output of the rectifier was good..... but after sometime without doing any changes to the input it again showed some DC..... so is there something wrong with the function generator since it's offset is varying from time to time?....... still the output at pin 7 will be 2 volts..... R4//(R3+R5) isn't it? Thanx
  8. Audioguru, my calculations resulted symmetrical (see the fig).... m i doing wrong?
  9. Hello everyone, please, see the attached figure1.... it is a full wave precision rectifier..... the opamps i m using is LM324.... all the resistors are 330 ohms .... i found it in an article..... calculations went fine but when i m checking it's output on oscilloscope,giving a 5 volt peak to peak sine wave input, the oscilloscope is displaying a waveform like figure 2.... please tell me what might be the problem? ...... Thanx for any help MNA
  10. Thanx for the help everyone......
  11. Please upload the datasheet of C1383 npn transistor ...... Thanx
  12. for the convenience of other members......by saying "kaisa" , he means to say "how's that" ...... Faraz, I don't know how to make a robot but as far as i think controlling a simple robot(for the hobbyists) from a PC isn't very difficult...... I don't know who is more duffer..... me, you or the thread starter..... >:( Are you really an electronic engineer??? :o i think u are an electronic engineering student (from UET)........
  13. sorry for a late reply...... Slackjack,have u got access to it or still waiting? I got the links which were inside this folder from another forum..... here i have attached the text file which contains all these links.... IMPORTANT!! the folder was updated ....it now contains links to more than 700 engineering books.....engineering_books_links.txt
  14. u need a crystal of some frequency,then divide that frequency to suit your need......didn't u look at the project of the electronics-lab project section? .......
  15. http://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/oscillators_timers/015/index.html I built a clock with 555 timer and dual decade counters......But it wasn't accurate obviously because of 555....As MP said crystal oscillator will be better.....the above project can be extended to make hrs/min/sec clock.....u will have to use gates to reset the hours section when it strikes 24.......
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