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Posts posted by HarryA

  1. I am not sure what you need but here is code that fades a LED up and down. It does not block your code by using Delay(), You can paste it into your Loop{} or call it as a function. You may wish to play with the int period value and the +/-5 value. Do note which i/o pins you can use with this PWM code.

    //use pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 on the UNO
    const int ledPin = 3; //whichevery pin you choose Do not forget the resistor!
    int period =   10; //how fast to fade the LED:100 = 1/10 sec. etc
    unsigned long time_now = 0; //have not read the time yet
    int brightness = 0;  //start with LED off
    boolean IncreaseBrightness = true; //start with increasing brightness
     void setup() 
      pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
      Serial.begin(9600); //you may have this; used here for testing
    void loop()
      // non-blocking delay 
      if(millis() > time_now + period)  //get current time and compare
         time_now = millis(); //for next time
        //fade LED up or down
          analogWrite(ledPin, brightness +=5 );
          if(brightness >= 255) IncreaseBrightness = false; //max ouput to LED = 255
        else   //must be decreasing brightness
           analogWrite(ledPin, brightness -=5 );
    	     if(brightness <= 0 ) IncreaseBrightness = true; //min ouput to LED = 0
        //some code...testing displays values.....
        Serial.print("brightness "); Serial.println(brightness);



  2. What you need is a notch filter to remove only a narrow band of unwanted  frequencies . There are pedal notch filters on the market but they are pricey. Search on "guitar notch filter pedal".

    Also see::  https://lambdageeks.com/notch-filter/#:~:text=A notch filter%2C also known as a frequency,while allowing other frequencies to pass through unaffected.

    About half way down the page he covers guitar pedals.

    If you wish to make one perhaps I could help you with it.


  3. When a post is made the forum software often displays key technical words in the post description. This would suggest that one could use that software to detect post that are legitimate from others. Of course the the devil is in the details. Invision's Zendesk maybe open to support on something like this as it would also be to their benefit.  When I had a forum (Simple Machine's software) I spent a lot of time mutilating the software to get what I wanted.

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