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Posts posted by HarryA

  1. The eight leaded DIP is a " Low power offline switched-mode power supply primary switcher" see:


    The larger diode P6? maybe a protection diode to protect from over-voltage. The  two smaller diodes most likely  are rectifiers used as part of the power supply. The question is what caused the fault that damaged the components.

    You need to investigate that before replacing the components else they may just blowout again.

    Try drawing out that part of the circuit to get insight into the circuit.


  2. The good news with the IR2153 is that it has a 50% duty cycle. The bad news is that you can not change it like in the 555 timer.

    You can change the frequency which would change the impedance at the coil/transformer which may give you some control of the output with the potentiometer PR1. Perhaps a larger potentiometer?


    Others may find the two schematics here easier to follow - without all the bells and whistles of this one.

    https://www.homemade-circuits.com/half-bridge-mosfet-driver-ic-irs21531d/#:~:text=Application Note%3A The main application of this IC,for driving mains CFL lamps from 12V supplies.

  3. from Wikipedia:

     = (K+L)(K+M)(L+N)(M+P)(N+Q)(P+Q)
     = (K+LM)(N+LQ)(P+MQ)
     = (KN+KLQ+LMN+LMQ)(P+MQ)


    K * N+LQ   +  LM*(N+LQ)

    K * N+LQ = KN+KLQ    and LM*(N+LQ) =  LMN+LMQ

    for the : (KN+KLQ+LMN+LMQ)

    for the fourth line multiply the third line  by P and then by MQ from (P+MQ)

  4. When the switch is closed in the debouncing circuit the input to the inverter is a logic 0 and the output a logic 1.

    Current flows from the battery supply of the inverter to its output. But the absolute maximum current rating for the output of a 74HC14 is only 24 ma.

    Do you really need a debouncing circuit?    I wonder if you could replace the mosfet and debouncing circuuit with a 3 position switch;  An On-Off-On. If not you may need a transistor between the inverter and the load. But you get a lost of 0.5 or 0.7 volts.

    Also the 100mfd capacitors are quite large for you circuit; charging the one through 2000 ohms will take awhile. Perhaps 1.0 mfd?

  5. The URL is:


    Following the link from youtube does not lead to anything useful.

    The code has numinous errors. It would never run,

    for spuddo:

    This is a snapshot of the serial monitor displaying the output of the code below.


    This is the circuit that I used. The duty control on the left. The two resistors limit the range of the output. You do not want zero duty cycle for example. The period control on the right. The resistor limits the period from going to zero for example.


    The code:

    // A rework of the code from the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIz9ektLunE
    void virtual_Scope();
    int iDutyCyclePin = 2; //set input pin for the left pot = duty cycle
    int iPeriodPin    = 1; //set input pin for the right pot = peroid
    int iLedPin = 13;   //ser pin for output to LED
    //float fFrequency;   //frequency = how many full periods per second or per 1000 millisedonds
    float fPeriod = 10;  //value from the left pot
    float fDuty = 1;
    long int liPeriod, liDuty;
    int iDutyPercent;
    long int liHigh_Time, liLow_Time;
    void setup() 
      pinMode(iLedPin, OUTPUT); //declare ledpin as OUTPIN  
      //Serial Port begin
      Serial.begin (9600);
    void loop() 
      fPeriod = analogRead(iPeriodPin);   //read the value from  the right pot = period 
      fDuty = analogRead(iDutyCyclePin); //read the value from the left pot = duty cycle
      //limit the range of the duty cycle to 20 to 80 percent of the period because that is what works!
      fDuty = (fDuty*9/10000) * fPeriod ;  //with 5 volt supply
      liDuty = int(fDuty);  //for printouts below
      liPeriod = int(fPeriod);
    //iDutyPercent = 100*liDuty/1024;     //cal duty cycle as percent for serial monitor  ????
      iDutyPercent = 100*liDuty/liPeriod; //cal duty cycle as percent for serial monitor
    //  fFrequency = (1000/float(liPeriod));  //cal frequency in units of Hertz for serial monitor ???
     // liHigh_Time = liDuty*liPeriod/1024;   //cal high = on time   ???
      liHigh_Time = liDuty;   // high = on time
      liLow_Time = liPeriod - liHigh_Time; //cal low = off time
      Serial.println();  //new line
      Serial.print("period ");
      Serial.println("  milliseconds");
      Serial.print("duty ");
      Serial.println("  milliseconds");
      Serial.print("on time ");
      Serial.println("  milliseconds");
      Serial.print("off time ");
      Serial.println("  milliseconds");  
      Serial.print(" duty cycle ");
      Serial.println(" % ");
    //  Serial.print("frequency ");  //what is frequency here?
    //  Serial.print(fFrequency);
    //  Serial.println(" Hertz");
      digitalWrite(iLedPin, HIGH);   //set the ledPin on
      delay(liHigh_Time);           //pause the program for  high_time in microseconds
      digitalWrite(iLedPin, LOW);   //set the ledPin off
      delay(liLow_Time);           //pause the program for  low_time in microseconds
      virtual_Scope();             //display trace
      delay(4000);                //slow down the scrolling 
    void virtual_Scope()
      //display a line of pulses
      int iHighDashes, iLowDashes;
      int iCount;
      //let one dash = 30 ms
      iHighDashes = liHigh_Time/30; 
      iLowDashes = liLow_Time/30;
      iCount = 60/(iHighDashes+iLowDashes); //try to make the lengths similar
     // Serial.println(String(iCount) + "  "+ String(iLowDashes) + "  " + String(iHighDashes) ); //new line for space at top
      Serial.println(); //space at top
      while (iCount--)
         for (int i=0; i <iLowDashes; i++)
         for (int i=0; i <iHighDashes; i++)
       Serial.println(); //space at bottom





  6. or cleaner:

    String DisplayString = " "; //a blank string
    int percent1 = 0;
    int OldPercent = 0;
    void setup() 
      //   Serial.begin(9600); //testing
    void loop()
     if( OldPercent != percent1 ) //do not scroll needlessly
       //previous string - set the cursor to second line
       LCD.print(DisplayString); //move previous line down
        //set the cursor to for new first line
      if (percent1 > 50)
       //new string 
       DisplayString = "Moisture S1 : " + String(percent1) + "%" + " Irrigaion sistem ON";
       //new string 
       DisplayString = "Moisture S1 : " + String(percent1) + "%" + " Irrigaion sistem OFF";
        //set the cursor for new first line
        LCD.print(DisplayString); //new line to top of the LCD
        OldPercent = percent1;  //set new percent
    } //end  loop

    the first "set the cursor for new first line" code  is redundant; I can not see how to edit the code


  7. Perhaps:

    String DisplayString = " "; //a blank string
    int percent1 = 0;
    int OldPercent = 0;
    void setup() 
      //   Serial.begin(9600); //testing
    void loop()
     if( OldPercent != percent1 ) //do not scroll needlessly
       //previous string - set the cursor to second line
       LCD.print(DisplayString); //moves previous line down
      if (percent1 > 50)
       //new string 
       DisplayString = "Moisture S1 : " + String(percent1) + "%" + " Irrigaion sistem ON";
       //set the cursor to for new first line
       LCD.print(DisplayString); //new line to top of the LCD
       OldPercent = percent1;  //set new percent
       //new string 
       DisplayString = "Moisture S1 : " + String(percent1) + "%" + " Irrigaion sistem OFF";
       //set the cursor to new first line
       LCD.print(DisplayString); //new line to top of the LCD
       OldPercent = percent1;  //set new percent
     } //end  loop


  8. "Could a capacitor smooth the frequency? "

    If one does not know what is  wrong with the system then one can not know what the affects of a capacitor would be.

    1. you have a 12 5kw diesel generator
    2. the generator outputs 120 or 240 volts at 50 or 60 hertz.
    3. the generator supplies the mains that has numerous outlets on the boat.
    4.  the generator output is stable until you turn on the ac unit.
    5. with the ac running the voltage  at the various outputs are no longer 50 or 60 hertz but varying in frequency

           6:     adding any load to an output corrects the problem.

     Is that correct?

  9. In that  type of air conditioner the input ac voltage is converted into dc via a power supply. The dc voltage is converted (inverted) into  variable frequency ac.

    The frequency depends on the demand on the unit. A microcontroller  samples the ambient air temperature and adjusts  the speed of the compressor motor via the  frequency of the ac applied to the compressor motor.

    Invert versus convert is interesting:

    • Inverter  - dc to ac
    • converter - ac to ac  (transformer, etc)
    • converter - dc to dc  (potentiometer, etc)
    • power supply - ac to dc
  10. I have not used varistors but not letting ignorance slow me down. The V20E14AUTO  is a 16 volt MOV.

    Voltage Rating DC: 16vdc
    Varistor Voltage:  22 volts this is where the varistor starts to conduct at 1 ma. Varistors draw some small current always
    Clamping Voltage:  43 volts the voltage any spike is truncated to.
    Peak Surge Current: 20 amperes.
    Surge Energy Rating: 28 joules.  28 watts-1 second, 56 watts-500 ms, etc

    Unlike Zener diodes that fail as an open circuit varistors fail as a short circuit so in some cases a fuse
    is used with them. Most likely on the larger ones..




    That is my best guess; perhaps someone else has experience with varistors?

    "The MagLock Draws 420mA 2 12 Volts, The panels power supply provides 500mA @ 14.3 V "

    Do you need to reduce the 14.3 volts to 12 volts?

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